Escience-experiment 2: effect of chelation therapy on arterial plaque

Data Tables
Table 3: Eggshell Observations
Post-Lab Questions
1. Describe the differences you observed between Beaker 1, Beaker 2, and Beaker 3. 
2. Does Beaker 3 serve as a positive or negative control? How do you know?
3. Research and determine the composition of eggshells. State your findings below, and indicate why this composition makes eggshells a good material for EDTA to chelate.
4. EDTA is a synthetic amino acid, which the body perceives as a foreign substance. EDTA is therefore delivered to the kidneys and removed from the body in urine. Explain how this process also leads to the removal of heavy metals.
5. Based on your results, do you believe chelation therapy would be an effective treatment for atherosclerosis? Support your argument with experimental evidence.

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