Research project part 2/5 & part 3/5

 This will be a five part assignment. Below is part 2 & 3
you will argue and prove a thesis related to Holocaust history 
Topic: Does humanity learn from history? The Holocaust – Three Key Lessons for Humanity,  
Part 2
 SIX sources, 3 questions, and thesis draft statement
Please bold Thesis draft statement
 What does thesis statement mean? The thesis statement is the sentence that states the main idea of a writing assignment 
Part 3
OUTLINE (bullet points)  

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Wsj article 3 | Management homework help

Read a WSJ (Wall Street Journal) article that reports on a topic related to corporate social responsibility.
Succinctly, write a critique of the article in this discussion forum.

The approximate length of a discussion forum response should be about 200 words, 20 lines.
Succinctly summarize the article that you have selected.
Write about the impact of what you have read on the triple bottom line (e.g., profit, people, planet).

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As part of a study for the department of labor statistics, you are

As part of a study for the Department of Labor Statistics, you are assigned the task of evaluating the improvement in productivity of small businesses. Data for one of the small businesses you are to evaluate is shown below. The data are the monthly average of last year and the monthly average this year.  Determine the multifactor productivity using the following costs: 
• Labor:   $8 per hour;
• Capital:   0.83% per month of investment;
• Energy:   $.60 per BTU.  
  Monthly Average 
 Last Year                                                             This Year                                                  
Production (dozen)                         1,500                                                                         1,500
Labor (hours)                                         350                                                                             325
Capital Investment ($)                 15,000                                                               18,000
Energy (BTU)                                     3,000                                                                           2,750

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Unit 6 assignment: scholarly source (psy101 fundamentals of

Unit 6 Assignment: Scholarly Source
Attached Files:
It is important that the information you learn about Psychology is supported by strong academic research.  Research that is published in peer-reviewed journals is considered scholarly work.  For this assignment, you will distinguish between a scholarly journal article and a popular magazine article.
Refer to the attached document for full assignment details, a tutorial on how to access scholarly journal articles, and the grading rubric.   Submit your completed assignment to the above submission link by 11:59 p.m. EST, Sunday of Unit 6. 

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Week 3 ethics | Criminal homework help

Police officers are faced with ethical dilemmas on a daily basis. These dilemmas can range from accepting a free cup of coffee from a business owner to being offered a bribe by a suspect. In some situations, officers have to make a decision in haste that could affect the rest of their career and personal life. Undercover officers face additional ethical dilemmas due to the nature of undercover work. It is crucial that officers are educated about and reminded from time to time of the Oath they took when hired.
Police officers have a code of ethics they agree to uphold when they are sworn in. The IACP has a code of ethics that law enforcement agencies have adopted. This organization also encourages on-going ethics training.
Your task for this assignment is to address the following issues:
Are there any changes you would make to the IACP Oath? Why or why not?
Compare and contrast the IACP Oath and the oath of your local police department? (If you cannot locate the oath of your local department, you may use the oath of any police department. Does media coverage of police officer corruption over-simplify the ethical dilemmas police officers face on a daily basis? Discuss what “entitlement” means and how it can affect the officers in your department.
Evaluate why many police departments ignore “entitlement” and focus more on other unethical behaviors during ethics training.
Discuss some solutions that your department can institute to ensure the officers understand the ethical dilemmas “entitlement” poses for the police department and the careers of the officers.

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Sustainability | Management homework help

SSerious about Sustainability?
It’s got to be one of the most convenient products ever—especially for consumers who want their coffee (or tea or other hot beverage) efficiently delivered without much hassle. The Keurig K-Cups® were invented in 1992 by John Sylvan. Like any innovator, Sylvan was looking for a better way. For him, it was finding a better way to provide his 30–40 daily cups of coffee in a way that was customizable and easy.  The single-serve brewing pod he created became the Keurig K-Cup. Interesting note: Keurig translates to “neat” in Dutch, and the Keurig machine and its ubiquitous K-Cup are quite neat. The single-brew machine is a very efficient and convenient alternative to the traditional coffee pot or to stopping and picking up drive-through coffee every morning.  However, what Sylvan didn’t anticipate was (1) the overwhelming popularity of the approach and (2) the amount of waste the single-serve pods would create because of that popularity.
Today, almost one in three homes has a pod-based coffee machine. And the sales of those pods accounted for a vast majority of the revenues of the company that makes them—Keurig Green Mountain. The company’s mission is “A Keurig brewer on every counter and a beverage for every occasion.”  And the company is taking another step toward that goal of a beverage for every occasion through its partnership with Coca-Cola Company. It will begin selling, at the end of 2015, a machine called “Keurig Cold,” which will be used to dispense Coke’s various brands. The Dr Pepper Snapple group also recently signed on to allow its flavor options for the new machine.  Although the Keurig machine is popular and a convenience, it also has a more troubling characteristic: the constant need to buy more K-Cups. They’re designed as single-serve, and with 9.8 billion of them sold in 2014, that’s a lot of K-Cups hitting landfills, because they are not recyclable. Those 9.8 billion K-Cups would circle the globe more than 12 times.
Environmentalists have criticized the company for its slow response to creating and selling a recyclable version of the pod. And it’s not that it can’t be done. For instance, when the K-Cup design patent expired in 2012, other companies brought out single-serve cups that are completely biodegradable and recyclable. To further highlight the sustainability issue, an anonymous YouTube video called “Kill the K-Cup” hit the Internet in early 2015. The apocalyptic nature of the video highlighted the extreme waste and irresponsibility of continuing to make coffee in a way “that simply cannot be sustained.”  It was eventually revealed that the creator of the video was a production company in Halifax, Nova Scotia, whose employees loved their Keurig until they began to notice the growing pile of discarded K-Cups that, despite great Canadian recycling programs, could not easily be recycled.
So what does the company say? Keurig’s chief sustainability officer, Monique Oxender, says that the company isn’t happy with its track record either. In 2014, the company pledged to create a fully recyclable version of the K-Cup by 2020. Of course, the critics have jumped all over the 2020 goal saying that five years is a long time to continue to fill up landfills and pointing out that the plastic used in the K-Cups will never be able to be fully recyclable because of the type of plastic it is. In its annual sustainability report, Keurig Green Mountain describes its efforts to strengthen its global citizenship and sustainability leadership.71 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Others have said that despite the outcry against the K-Cups, there are some sustainability benefits to the Keurig machine and its single-serve pods. For instance, they’re likely to save electricity over a coffee pot that’s constantly “on” to keep the coffee warm. Also, the pods have been shown to be a more efficient way of extracting coffee from grounds, thus saving resources. And other approaches to coffee making likely use more water in brewing coffee that may not actually be consumed and then dumped down the drain. So, although “environmental awareness is never a bad thing,” are the critics overreacting to the situation?
Prepare a 2-page paper answering the following questions.  Remember, use 10-12 pt font and APA format!

What global issues do you see here? What ethical/social responsibility issues do you see here?
Arethe critics overreacting to the situation? Do you think Keurig Green Mountain’s managers are handling this situation in the best way, ethically and responsibly? What else could they do to be more ethical and responsible?
Are Keurig’s proposed actions best described as social obligation, social responsiveness, or social responsibility? Explain.
What do you think the statement “environmental awareness is never a bad thing” means?

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Environmental ethics assignment 6 | Literature homework help

Assignment 6 
Ecocentrism: Leopold’s Land Ethic
Read the introduction to Chapter 6 on holism. We are moving beyond individual organisms to environmental wholes. Remember to please try to determine where you stand regarding the main theories of environmental ethics. As we go, the theories become broader and more things have moral status and intrinsic moral value, not just humans (only humans = anthropocentrism). See the explanation that I created on the development of environmental ethics if you haven’t already done that. Find my explanations in the top folder on the assignments page. 
Textbook: Louis Pojman and Paul Pojman, Environmental Ethics: Readings in Theory and Application. Seventh Edition
(A) Aldo Leopold, “Ecocentrism: The Land Ethic,” (p. 237 in 7th Ed)
(B) J. Baird Callicott, “The Conceptual Foundations of the Land Ethic,” (p. 248 in 7th Ed.)
Please answer the following questions about the readings.
(A) Four Questions about Aldo Leopold’s Land Ethic.
1. In your own words, explain and summarize the main ideas in the section “The Ecological Conscience.” Give some complaints that he has, too.
1. Answer:
2. In your own words, explain and summarize the main ideas in the section “Substitutes for a Land Ethic.” Again, include complaints that he has.
2. Answer:
3. In your own words, explain the land pyramid idea in the section “The Land Pyramid.” Explain his complaints, too.
3. Answer:
4. In the last section he says, “…to release the evolutionary process for an ethic is simply this: Quit thinking about decent land-use as solely an economic problem. Examine each question in terms of what is ethically and esthetically right, as well as what is economically expedient. A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability, and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise.” 
One thing he says is that the environment is worth more than just how much money (economics) we can make off of it. Do you agree or disagree with any of Leopold’s views that you have read? What exactly do you agree or disagree with. Defend your claims with reasons. Explain why or why not.
4. Answer:
B. Three Questions about J. Baird Callicott, “The Conceptual Foundations of the Land Ethic”
1. Callicott explains Leopold’s land ethic. Read sections VII, VIII, and IX. Callicott explains the central theoretical difference between standard ethical theory and Leopold’s new land ethic. Please understand and explain this central difference, and explain why you think this new change is important or not. Why or why not?
1. Answer:
2. In section XI, Callicott explains why some philosophers react in “horror” at Leopold’s land ethic. Following Callicott, explain the problem that some philosophers see with the land ethic. 
2. Answer: 
3. In the last section XII, Callicott explains why this “horror” with Leopold’s land ethic is unjustified. What does Callicott say to answer this worry? And is Callicott successful? Does it make sense to you? Why or why not? Give reasons for your views.
3. Answer:
Please include all the questions with the answers thank you.

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Many consumers pay careful attention to stated nutritional contents

1. The author’s of the article “Perceived risks of Heart Disease and Cancer Among Cigarette Smokers” expressed the concern that a majority of smokers do not view themselves as being at increased risk of heart disease or cancer. Because of this, the authors call for a public health campaign to educate smokers about the associated risks. In support of this recommendation, the authors offered the results of a study of 737 current smokers selected at random from the U.S. households with telephones. Of the 737 smokers surveyed, 295 indicated that they believe that they have a higher then average risk for cancer. Does this data suggest that the true proportion of smokers who view themselves as being at increased risk of cancer is, in fact, less than 0.5 as claimed by the authors of the paper?p0 = pop. proportion; p = sample proportion (since I cannot type in p-hat)
2. Many consumers pay careful attention to stated nutritional contents on packaged foods when making purchases. It is therefore important that the information on the packages is accurate. The stated calorie count of a particular frozen dinner is 240. A random sample of 12 frozen dinners of the same type was selected from production and the calorie content of each one was determined. Is there significant evidence at the 5% level that the mean calorie count is higher than the stated 240 calories? The following observations are the results of the testing:255 244 239 242 265 245 259 248 225 226 251 233

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Ac parallel rlc circuit | Physics homework help

I have Attached instructions Below
III. A. 1. RLC Circuit Calculated Impedance and Admittance Values:

Frequency Hz

Susceptance, Siemens

Inductive, BL

Capacitive, BC








Frequency                  Hz

Total Circuit AC Admittance, YT

Complex Notation












Frequency                  Hz

Total Circuit AC Impedance, ZT

Complex Notation











III. A. 2.  RLC Circuit Calculated Current Values:

Frequency Hz

























Frequency Hz

{IR + IC + IL }= IS    (RMS), A

IS = V * YT

Complex Form

















            Match?   Yes _____ No ______
III A. 3. RLC Circuit Calculated Power Dissipation:

Frequency Hz









III. B. 3. RLC Circuit Simulation Results:

Frequency Hz















III. B. 4. Simulation Values Match Calculated Values:
Match?   Yes _____ No ______
III. B. 6. RLC Circuit Simulated Power Measurement:


Source Power, PS

Power Factor







III. B. 7. Simulation Values Match Calculated Values:
Match?   Yes _____ No ______
Explain any mismatch:
III. C. 4. RLC Circuit Measured Current at 550 Hz:
IS = _____________ (A)
III. C. 5. Value Matches Calculated and Simulated Values:
Match?   Yes _____ No ______
III. C. 6. RL Circuit Measured Currents:
     IR = ________(A)      IC  = ________(A)            IL  = ________(A)           
Match?   Yes _____ No ______
Explain any mismatch:
III. C. 7. RLC Circuit Measured Current at 1000 Hz:
IS = _____________ (A)
     IR = ________(A)      IC  = ________(A)            IL  = ________(A)           
Match?   Yes _____ No ______
Explain any mismatch:
1.      Construct a Phasor Diagram to represent the source current and the branch currents, IR, IC, and IL through the resistor, capacitor, and the inductor. The diagram does not need to be drawn to scale. However, the values of the items represented must be included in the diagram.
2.      Did you notice any interesting feature in the lab exercise with regard to the two different frequencies chosen for the experiment?
3.      In the Multisim simulation, change the frequency of the source to be between 725Hz to 735 Hz (in increments of 2 Hz) and record the inductor and the capacitor currents.

Frequency, Hz


IC, mA

IL, mA

























What do you notice from the readings?

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Program to computerize the billing system of a hospital

In this exercise you will design various classes and write a program to computerize the billing system of a hospital. A. Design the class doctorType, inherited from the class personType, with an additional data member to store doctors speciality. Add appropriateconstructors and member functions to initialize, access, and manipulate the data members. B. design the class billtype with data members to store patients Id and patients hospital charges. Add appropriate constructors and member functions to initialize, accessand manipulate the data members. C. Design the class patienttype , inherited from the class personType, with additional data members to store a patients Id, age, date of birth, attending physicians name, and the date the patient was discharged from the hospital.Use the class date type to store the date of birth, admit date, discharge date, and class doctorType, to store attending physicians name. Add appropriate constructors and member functions to initialize, access and manipulate the data members. I am using MicrosoftVisual Studio 2010

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