Should culinarian run a 2007 price promotion? if so, what should be

Case: Culinarian Cookware: Pondering Price Promotion (2009)

Should Culinarian run a 2007 price promotion? If so, what should be the specifics of such a promotion (e.g. product scope, discount rate, timing, communication)?


Was the 2004 promotion profitable? Calculate the profitability using Brown’s logic and then calculate the profitability using the consultant’s model. How would you calculate the profitability?


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Week 4 assignment 2 | Accounting homework help

E-9-19 Dollar-value LIFO retail
On January 1, 2011, the Brunswick Hat Company adopted the dollar-value LIFO retail method.  The following data are available for 2011:
                                                                                    Cost                               Retail
Beginning inventory                                          $     71,280                  $ 132,000          
Net purchases                                                          112.500                     255,000
Net markups                                                                                                     6,000
Net markdowns                                                                                              11,000
Net sales                                                                                                        232,000    
Retail price index, 12/31/11                                                                             1.04  
Calculate the estimated ending inventory and cost of goods sold for 2011   
E 9-21 Dollar value LIFO retail      
Lance-Hefner Specialty Shoppes decided to use the dollar-value LIFO retail method to value its inventory.    Accounting records provide the following information:
                                                                                           Cost                         Retail  
Merchandise inventory, January 1, 2011                  $ 160,000             $ 250,000
Net purchases                                                                    350,200                510,000
Net markups                                                                                                         7,000
Net markdowns                                                                                                   2,000    
Net Sales                                                                                                           380,000  
Pertinent retail price indexes are as follows:
January 1, 2011                             1.00
December 31, 2011                   1.10
Determine ending inventory and cost of goods sold.
P 9-1 Lower of cost or market  
Decker Company has five products in its inventory.  Information about the De3cember 31, 2011, inventory as follows:
Product                Quantity              Unit Cost                    Unit replacement      Unit Selling
                                                                                                       Cost                          Price                                           
   A                           1,000                   $ 10                                  $ 12                         $ 16
   B                              800                   15                                     11                             18
   C                              600                         3                                        2                               8
   D                              200                         7                                       4                               6   
   E                              600                       14                                     12                             13      
The selling cost for each product consists of a 15 percent sales commission.  The normal profit percentage for each product is 40 percent of the selling price.    
1.      Determine the balance sheet inventory carrying value at December 31, 2011, assuming the LCM rule is applied to individual products.
2.      Determine the balance sheet inventory carrying value at December 31, 2011, assuming the LCM rule is applied to the entire inventory.  Also assuming that Decker recognizes an inventory write-down as a separate income statement item, determine the amount of the loss.       

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Psy 104 week 5 assignment ( community center proposal ) ~ ( latest

Community Center Proposal: Final Project.
Your community is opening a brand new community center.  Now that you are an expert in the field, you have been chosen to lead a development team that will create a proposal for interactive, fun, and educational programming activities that will be provided for children and adolescents in this center.  Utilize problem-solving techniques in exploring developmental issues, grounded in child development, in order to assess what activities and items should be included in each program. Once you have chosen these features, you will present your ideas to a mock city council board (i.e. your instructor) with a written proposal describing the programming.
You have been asked to propose programming for five different age groups in the community center:
·         Infant (0-1 year)
·         Toddler (1-3 years)
·         Early Childhood (3-6 years)
·         Middle/Late Childhood (7-12 years)
·         Adolescence (13-18 years)
In your proposal, you will identify and describe at least 2 weekly activities for each age group (for a total of 10 activities) that address their developmental domain pathways: physical, cognitive, and psychosocial.  All three domains of development must be addressed within your classes or activities.  For example, you may have one activity which enhances cognitive and psychosocial development and a second activity which enhances physical development for a particular age group. In addition to identifying these activities, you will demonstrate a foundational knowledge of the age group’s developmental continuum by explaining your reasoning for choosing each activity, based on your analysis of theory and current child development research. 
Additionally, you will search for at least 1 age-appropriate game, toy, picture, or other “play” item to enhance the chosen activities within each age group. Keep in mind that this may include things like art, music, technology, or safety gear as you deem fit.  For each item that you recommend, your proposal will provide a link to a website from which the item can be purchased by the city, as well as an explanation for why the city should purchase the item informed by research and theory. 
The overall goal of the final project is much like that of a grant proposal, in which a developer must convince the city council that their new business or activity is both cost-effective and beneficial to the community.  You are encouraged to be creative and persuasive in your proposal, but remember that everything must be supported by the theories and research covered in our class. Included is a Community Center Proposal Template, demonstrating what information should be included in your written portion of the project.
SPECIAL NOTES: You will utilize the PSY104 Written Proposal template to create and submit your proposal.  Enter the requested information on the title page where indicated. Where you find the text “This is where you will…” within the proposal, please remove that and enter your own content. The headings in bold and the outline formatting with numbers and letters should not be altered.
In your Community Center Proposal, you must include the following:
1.     Please complete each section of the template including the information requested.
2.     Within section “iv” for each room, you will be asked to justify your activities and items by analyzing interactions of the major themes: Health and Well-Being, Family and Parenting, Education, Culture and Gender as factors influencing the developmental physical, cognitive and psychosocial pathways.  Your written proposal must address how you have accounted for each of these themes in its associated room as they relate to physical, cognitive, and psychosocial development. Each theme must be included in at least one room, and each room must address one or more themes. (Please see these samples for ways to explain how you have accounted for this.)
3.     Cite your sources according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. For information regarding APA samples and tutorials, visit the Ashford Writing Center, located within the Learning Resources tab on the left navigation toolbar in your online course. The EBSCOHost and PSYCinfo databases in the Ashford Online Library are helpful sources of information, as are the required and recommended resources found in your course materials. To locate EBSCOHost and PSYCinfo, visit the Ashford Online Library through the tab on the left navigation toolbar in your online course and select “Databases by Subject” and then “Psychology.” (For further assistance in researching scholarly sources, please access the tutorials page on the Ashford University Library website.)
The Community Center Proposal:
1.     Must be 6 to 8 double-spaced pages in length, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
2.     Must include a title page with the following:
·         Title of Community Center
·         Student’s name
·         Course name and number
·         Instructor’s name
·         Date submitted
3.     Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement, in which you introduce the topic and your Community Center.
4.     Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought within each of the designated age groups.
5.     Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis and thanks the mock city council for their time and consideration of your proposal.
6.     Must use at least 2 scholarly sources, including a minimum of 1 from the Ashford Online Library.
7.     Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.        

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Discussion #5 finance | Business & Finance homework help

Please respond to 2 peers
My Initial post :  
Corporate governance is system by which company is required to conduct their business considering procedure of managing company. The board of director of company is responsible to manage corporate governance in a company.
For effective corporate governance board of directors lead to effective corporate governance:
1.Make accountable for business decision taken on behalf of company.
2.Keep transparent all information which is required to available to all stakeholders.
3.Fairly treat to all stakeholders. That means fairly treat to creditor, Stockholder, supplier, govt etc.
4.Equally treat of all employees-All of the employees of company must treat equally.
5.Management of company is not involve in any mismanagement activities.
Chen, James. “What Corporate Governance Means for the Bottom Line.” Investopedia, Investopedia, 8 Feb. 2022,
Peer 1 
Corporate Governance is a group of people (Board members) who come together to ensure the sustainability of a company/organization.  The group discusses policies and procedures, legal action, hierarchy, internal controls, transparency and accountability.  
It is super important to have a wide diverse group of people in a governance group.  This will help to ensure many different ideas and thoughts are expressed and that it is not a one sided, but a collaboration.  With being a minute taker for multiple boards (over 10) at various different times within this last 10 years, I have found that it is smart to have people with the following backgrounds, financial, legal, religious, managerial to ensure when decisions are being made they are being made for the right reasons and can be justified correctly.  I really liked this picture which I am not sure if I can use as a source, (if not, please let me know and I will get another source!) which really helps to describe what a governance group does.
Peer 2 
The method through which firms are directed and governed is known as corporate governance. The governance of their companies is the responsibility of their boards of directors. The responsibility of the shareholders in governance is to appoint the directors and auditors, as well as to ensure that a suitable governance framework is in place.
A good board of directors has the ability to manage and influence the organization’s employees in order to achieve the organization’s goals. An organization’s ultimate goal is to enhance shareholder wealth. A good board of directors has the passion and motivation to chart the course for the organization’s success. The board of directors’ characteristics will have an impact on the organization’s performance. They are implementing corporate governance within the company. Governance and structure will be brought to the company through dedication and commitment to the task, as well as the ability to lead and influence others. Employees and other members of the organization will be influenced by the organization’s performance. Dedication and commitment is also an essential quality of a board member. a board member need strong of dedication and commitment to duties that leads attending board meetings regularly. A good board member gives a lot to the organization and maintains interest to the accomplish the goals of the company.
“What Is Corporate Governance?” ICAEW,

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Assignment 3: research essay – first draft

Task:       Write an essay that investigates a connection between your field of study and a problem or controversial issue in society. The audience is people who are generally educated but do not have extensive knowledge of your field.
Length:   1500-2000 words
Sources: Minimum of 6. At least 3 of these must be from scholarly journals, and all sources should be selected based on reliability, currency, and level of information/analysis. The UMUC library will be very useful in helping you find appropriate sources. You can, but do not have to, include all of the sources from your annotated bibliography.
Due date and revision: The first draft of the research essay is due by the end of Week 5. Submit your draft as an attachment (Microsoft Word is preferred) to this assignment folder. This should be as complete a draft as possible, in order to receive the most helpful feedback. In working on your draft, you may want to look at the rubric that will ultimately be used to grade your final essay. You can see it when viewing these instructions through the Assignments area of the classroom.
During Week 6, you will receive feedback on your draft.
You will then revise your essay and submit it by the end of Week 7 to the folder “Assignment 3: Research Essay, revised draft.” This version will be graded using the rubric and will count for 30% of your course grade.
Your instructor may or may not complete the rubric for your first draft, but only the grade on your revised essay will count toward your course grade.
Outcomes you should achieve by completing this assignment
The outcomes for this assignment are listed below, with the associated course outcomes in parentheses:

Use research to write an essay that will inform or persuade an audience (Course outcome 1)
Form unified, coherent, and well-supported paragraphs in support of the thesis statement (Course outcome 2)
Select sources, use them to inform and support your writing, and document them in APA style (Course outcome 4)
Demonstrate accurate grammar and mechanics in writing (Course outcome 3)
Participate in the process of receiving feedback and revising your writing (Course outcome 1)

This essay is the culmination of your research project, in which you are investigating a connection between your field of study and a problem or controversial issue in society. Sample topics for different fields of study are provided below.

A student studying environmental management might choose to investigate the connection between flooding in a particular location and the location’s policies on new development.
A student studying psychology could research support for students with learning differences in elementary schools.
A student studying cybersecurity could investigate the threat of identity theft for the average U.S. resident.
A student studying history could explore similarities between the current U.S. administration and an administration from the past.

Before drafting your essay, you will have chosen a topic, developed a research question, and identified several potential sources in an annotated bibliography. You should write on the same topic for this essay, unless your professor has asked you to make changes to your topic.
Organizing and supporting your essay
As you write your essay, be sure to include the following:

an engaging introductory paragraph that includes an effective and clear thesis statement
any definition of terms or background information that your reader is likely to need to understand your paper
unified, supported, and coherent body paragraphs that defend the thesis
an effective conclusion

Research is a key element of this paper. Take care to support your claims with research throughout the paper. Include APA in-text citations whenever you use sources, whether through quote, paraphrase, or summary. An APA reference list at the end of the paper should list all of the sources cited in the text of the paper.
Point of view
This essay will be written in an academic style. Use third person point of view. Do not use “I” or “you.”
Formatting your assignment
Incorporate these elements of APA style:

Use one-inch margins.
Double space.
Use an easy-to-read font between 10-point and 12-point.
Include a title page with the title of your paper, your name, and the name of your school.

Given your next assignment, view and select one of the patterns below as a guide to write your first draft research paper.  Make sure to select the correct pattern for your paper. Have support staff from the writing center to help you with your paper before turning it in; they can proofread as well.
As you recall,  an essay is a multiple-paragraph piece of writing in which you try to inform, persuade, or entertain the reader. A thesis statement is a one-sentence statement of the main idea of your essay; it must identify your subject and make an assertion about it. Think of your thesis as a one-sentence answer to the question “What are you trying to prove?” A good academic essay should contain a thesis statement. Make sure that you support your thesis adequately. Think of your body paragraphs as the answer to the question “Why should we believe you?” or “What have you got to go on?”
Three Common Academic Essay Patterns are Analytical, Narrative, and Comparison-Contrast
Intro paragraph
Thesis statement: Answers the question What are you trying to prove?
Body paragraph
Why should we believe thesis?
Reason #1
Body paragraph
Why should we believe thesis?
Reason #2
Body paragraph
Why should we believe thesis?
Reason #3
Intro paragraph
Thesis statement: Answers the question What are you trying to prove?
Narrate in chronological order.
Start new paragraph with each shift in time or perspective (or speaker, if you include dialogue).
Intro paragraph
Thesis statement: Answers the question What are you trying to prove?
Similarities between Subject A and Subject B
Differences between Subject A and Subject B
(End with whichever is more significant, similarities or differences.)

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Alternative buyer | Management homework help

Alternative buyer research report: Recommend one potential buyer for the organization in the scenario from the alternative buyer options list provided and justify your choice. Visit the company’s website and research its market and financial situation.
Explain your recommendation by addressing the following selection (and rubric) criteria:

Current market: Describe the current market of the selected organization.

What types of products does this organization manufacture?
Who are its customers?
In which industry does it compete?

Financial situation: Analyze the organization’s financial situation, including revenue, expenses, and profitability.
Recent developments: Visit your selected organization’s website and review its news and announcements over the past year. What notable recent events has the organization experienced that might make it more or less attractive to your organization as a buyer? Explain your reasoning.
Buyer rationale: Justify why this potential buyer is the best option for the life sciences organization. Use data from your research to support your rationale.

Acquisition road map: Develop an acquisition road map as a tool for sharing the project with the strategic planning team and the guiding coalition.
Specifically, you must address the following criteria:

Acquisition-related tasks:

Describe the tasks and steps that have already been taken toward an acquisition since you were appointed to the strategic planning team.
Recommend the tasks and steps that would need to happen over the next one to two years to evaluate and complete an acquisition. For each task and step, provide estimates for how long it will take to accomplish it, the responsible parties, and any dependencies.

Gantt chart: Using the provided template, create a Gantt chart that visually illustrates the tasks and steps that you’ve indicated above. Cells A1, A2, H2, B3, C3, D3, E3, F3, G3, and H3 have instructional comments embedded that will assist you in completing the template. These comments are visible when you select these cells. To use the template, replace the bracketed text and Xs with the relevant information. (Note: You can copy the chart to include it in the road map document.) Your chart should include the following:

Indicate tasks and steps that have already been completed since you were appointed to the strategic planning team. For example, be sure to include guiding coalition, industry, and competitive research aspects.
Indicate “in process” tasks and steps that are currently being performed.

Guidelines for Submission
Submit a 4 page Word document (including relevant Gantt charts), using double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style

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Assignment: journal: supervising others | SOCW 6070 – Supervision, Leadership, and Administration in Social Work Organizations | Walden University

For this Assignment, review the Petrakis case study in this week’s video and note how supervisory and leadership skills are portrayed.
 Assignment (4–5 paragraphs)
 Complete the following Journal entry:

Identify attributes of leadership styles and approaches that facilitate quality supervision.
Evaluate the supervisory and leadership skills demonstrated in the Petrakis case study by identifying which supervisory and leadership skills the supervisor demonstrated.
Explain whether the supervisor in the video demonstrated quality supervision, and why. Provide specific examples to support your evaluation.

Please make sure

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Create a plan for approaching tough conversations with employees

 Imagine you are the HR manager at a company, and a female employee came to you upset because she felt a male coworker was creating a hostile work environment by repeatedly asking her out on dates even after she said “no.” What would you do? Write a plan for how you would approach your conversation with each employee, including the most essential topics to cover. As you write your plan, think about what your goals are for this situation and how each conversation will help you achieve those goals. Write a 2–3 page paper in which you:

Write a plan for the conversation you would have with the employee, based on the concepts found in your textbook. What are the most important points you would need to cover in this conversation, and why?
Write a plan for the conversation you would have with the employee’s male co-worker, based on the concepts found in your textbook. What are the most important points you would need to cover in this conversation, and why?
Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course.
Include at least one reference to support your paper.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

Create a plan for approaching tough conversations with employees, including a rationale for the most essential topics to cover.

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Cpg (clinical practice guidelines) powerpoint with speaker notes

Slides should be professional in appearance and easy to read
disease & background
Identify the disease condition and give a brief statement of incidence and prevalence in the U.S. Discuss the pathophysiology of the disease and typical clinical presentation seen in patients with the condition. 
Publication & Applicability in Primary Care
Identify the author, organization or group that developed the CPG along with the year of the original guideline publication.  Discuss why the CPG is applicable in the primary care setting.
Key Action statements and Body of Evidence
Provide each of the CPG’s “Key Action” or “Guideline Statements” up to a maximum of 5 relevant recommendations. Identify the evidence strength for each recommendation. If the statement has applicability to other groups, only discuss the relevant primary care ones.
article to be used
Kapur, V.K., Auckley, D.H., Chowdhuri, S., Kuhlmann, D.C., Mehra, R., et al. (2017). Clinical Practice Guideline for the Diagnostic Testing for Adult Obstructive Sleep Apnea: An American Academy of Sleep Medicine Clinical Practice Guideline. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, 13(3).
Disease & Background
Student: 1)  Identifies the disease condition 2) Gives a brief statement of incidence and prevalence in the US 3) The student briefly summarizes the disease pathophysiology and 4) Identifies the typical clinical presentation seen in a patient with the disease (4 critical elements).
Publication & Applicability in Primary Care
The student: 1) Identifies the author, organization or group that developed the CPG, 2) Student denotes the year of the original guideline publication, 3) Student identifies  any subsequent revisions (student’s reference should be the most recent version), and 4) Student discusses the applicability for use of this CPG in the primary care setting (4 critical elements).
Key Action Statements & Body of Evidence
The student: 1)Provides each of the CPG’s “Key Action” or “Guideline Statements”  up to a maximum of 5 relevant recommendations, 2)  Provides the body of evidence strength for each, and 3) If the statement has applicability to other groups, only discuss the relevant primary care ones (3 critical elements).

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Cloud computing business case | Computer Science homework help

When change needs to happen in an organization, a business case is used to justify the change.  On page 464 in your textbook is a generic business case template.  The template is intended as a generic starting point that needs further customization to better match organization requirement and preferences.  The template also acts as a checklist of considerations that pertain to adoption.  The business case can be used to have healthy conversations around the legitimacy of the cloud or any technology adoption in the preliminary planning stages. For this assignment, please complete business case sections G.3 and G.4 in the attached document

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