Factors Influencing Client Behavior

Factors Influencing Client Behavior


When and how did you become aware of people being treated differently because of race, culture, or religion? Explain.

This discussion question meets the following NASAC Standards:

19) Understand the importance of self-awareness in one’s personal, professional, and cultural life.

85) Adapt counseling strategies to the individual characteristics of the client, including (but not limited to): disability, gender, sexual orientation, developmental level, acculturation, ethnicity, age, and health status.

102) Sensitize others to issues of cultural identity, ethnic background, age, and gender role or identity in prevention, treatment, and recovery.

119) Recognize the importance of individual differences by gaining knowledge about personality, cultures, lifestyles, and other factors influencing client behavior, and applying this knowledge to practice.

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Attitudes Towards Mental Health

Attitudes Towards Mental Health



 Good start to the discussion.  Since you are correlating two variables (beliefs and feelings) you’ll need a separate scale to measure each.  If you take from the same scale, likely the variables are already correlated as that is part of scale development and then you would lose the gap.  Another and better option is to separate your IV into groups (ADHD vs Non ADHD) and then use the Attitudes towards Mental Health Problems Scale to see if there are differences between these groups.

Please respond to this.

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Eyes Overall Visual Performance

Eyes Overall Visual Performance


Please give a response to my classmates discussion post listed below. 

Describe what vision might be like if the retina had less convergence than it does, or perhaps none at all. What about if it had more convergence?

To understand what it would be like for the retina in our vision to have less convergence than it what it normally has, it is necessary to understand the role of the retina. The retina in our eyes, is in charge of transforming light into neural signals that are then processed by the brain. The retina contains two types of photoreceptors: the rods and the cones. There are a lot more rods than cones in each eye which according to “sensation and Perception” on Photoreceptors, “there are about 120 million rods in each eye, as opposed to only about 6 million cones” (UMGC, 2022). Rods are highly sensitive to light whereas cones dominate the photopic vision where there are occasions with high light exposure. There is a very important part of the eyes that concentrate on specific visual fields, the fovea. The fovea simply is, where our vision is focused on which is also where detail and color are processed. The duplicity theory states the fact that “humans have two main types of vision, which can basically be described as a vision for daytime and one for nighttime” (UMGC, 2022). The transitioning between photopic and scotopic vision is referred to as the mesopic vision which is when both rods and cones are active.

Therefore, if the retina had less convergence, our vision would be blurry as we tried to focus on close objects and our ability to process detail and color, will be a lot more difficult. Neural impulses can be initiated by the the retinal changing shapes due to being exposed to light which is also referred to as visual transduction. This is crucial for our vision as it converts the photoreceptors into electrical signals which explains why we tend to lose our dark adaptation when exposed to brightness. Without all of these components that allows our vision to transform light into signals that can be broken down by the brain, our ability to see in detail, would be compromised. the lack of convergence on one eye can impact the other eye’s ability to process light into information that can be processed by the brain which will, therefore, affect the way we visualize everything we see, whether that is from far distance or close distance. The lack of convergence can also affect the eyes overall visual performance creating blurry images on one eye and further ignoring such refractive error with the better-quality information from the other eye. On the other hand, if our eyes had more convergence, meaning, more cells are added to other cells which can result in higher sensitivity to light (UMGC, 2022). Rods are a lot more sensitive than cones which explain why cones are better in detail. Too much convergence may require treatment as one eye may be more sensitive to light than the other, although having one eye being more capable of seeing detail, is considered to be normal. 


Sensation and Perception. (2022). Week 2 Learning Resources. Photoreceptors. Cellular Activity of The Retina. Retrieved from:

Week 2 Learning Resources – PSYC 310 6380 Sensation and Perception (2225) (umgc.edu)

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Single Labeled Reference List

Single Labeled Reference List


For your complete assignment, write a  (minimum 1200 words in the narrative) in which the questions below are addressed. Base the response on scholarly sources; do not simply restate the material in the text and Attend lecture.  Remember to use the third person.  Cite a minimum of three scholarly (peer reviewed) articles (at least one minimum for each question below).   Cite the sources in APA format with in-text citations, as appropriate. Include a single labeled reference list at the end of the narrative.

Some methods of initial assessments appear to be more useful than others. If you were starting your own business, which initial assessment methods would you use and why?  How can organizations avoid legal difficulties in the use of preemployment inquiries in initial selection decisions?  

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Would Take Specifically Pertaining

Would Take Specifically Pertaining


 1. Your organization has just been hit with charges of Sexual Harassment.  As the HR Director you have conducted an investigation and unfortunately it appears to support the accusations of the employee that filed the claim.  Both employees are still currently employed with your organization.  The male employee does have supervisory status but is not directly over the woman who made the accusations.  The woman has a significantly lower position and has only been with the company for 6 months.  First, discuss the positions and arguments in favor of and against Affirmative Action. Then discuss what actions you would take specifically pertaining to the accusations of harassment as mentioned above.  Finally, discuss what you would do as an HR Director going forward as far as the overall management of harassment in the workplace and how the culture can be influenced. 

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Agencies Funding Sources Identify

Agencies Funding Sources Identify

For this assignment, you are expected to meet with your Field Instructor, discuss the organization’s funding sources and later, research current state and federal policies that impact the agency’s funding.

By Day 7

Submit a 1-2 page in which you:

  1. Identify the agencies funding sources 
  2. Identify state and federal policies that impact the agency’s funding.
  3. Explain in specific detail, the impact of the policies identified and how they impact the agency’s funding.
  4. Discuss potential threats to the agency’s funding as a result of the current policies.

NOTE: You are expected to present and discuss this assignment with your agency Field Instructor. Your field instructor will be evaluating your ability to demonstrate this competency in their field evaluation. In addition, you will submit this assignment for classroom credit. The Field Liaison will grade the assignment “PASS/FAIL,” see rubric for passing criteria.

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Last Approximately 5 Minutes

Last Approximately 5 Minutes


For this assessment, you are to once again imagine yourself a dietitian. This time you have been invited to one of the local nursing homes to do a presentation for the residents. You have been given 5 minutes for the presentation, after which you will answer questions from the staff and residents, as well as any family members who are present. This presentation can be in the form of a PowerPoint presentation or a video, and must include the following elements:

  • Provide the elderly residents with some tips about proper nutrition
  • Suggest some things they should  include in their diet and their lifestyle to maintain health and function
  • Share  some common pitfalls they should avoid
  • Include and reference at least one external source in your presentation
  • The presentation should last approximately 5 minutes
  • Submit either the PowerPoint presentation or a link to your video.

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Hybrid Moment Seac Living

Hybrid Moment Seac Living

Class notes 

Parade is a story about a young woman who has been away from home for a while and her family misses 

a sad story about a young woman who accepted her family’s invitation to come back home to be a part of their town’s parade. “…‘Please come for the carnival’ Auntie’s letter had said”(85).  She has been away for quite some time and finally went back home to be with her family. And yet I knew this was not something new and strange, but only that during my time away from here my vision and understanding had expanded” (88).Being a part of the parade opened her eyes and made her realize that her family was parading the tourists in town” “(). she’s her people came back home to her town and 

What are main actions

Return home

The letter

Doing this in mountains

Preparing for what?

Map out stuff before during and after parade

Grace patricia Parade

You and just close reading for the midterm

What kind of relationship to land( land landscape) is depicted in “Parade”?

Would u sy that theres two radical view or relation to nature in the story?

Yes it seems 

Tracing the protagonist

Where i live 


Grace a


Sausage descript

Relationship to land 

Two contra ways of 

Verb tense used phrases 

What conception of time is ther

Interesting metaphor in museum

What happens in a museum to time

Past & present collide



“I felt older than any of them” (89)

What happens to Time?

Outside people were buying and selling

Litegimate ground

Hunter vs hunted 

Explore how one is shape by 

Opp arent just opp

Trace & follow the tension

Attention to how it affects the other and complicate them 

Didnt you see us

Expand it to other moments

What happening 

Culture reference 

Can u find itherparrallel analogues in the siry

Look for patterns

Significance becomes a mere toy but the story begins when the flax was a plant 


What is she trying develop or complicate in this story?

A close reading of last 3 paragraphs


 To a monster****


Its on you to show who we really are

Seashore beach

On the hybrid moment

Seac living breathing

Sand land

Part of your growth

Idea of a threshold

Its liminal spaces

An interesting place that’s in-between 

Land at the market place her

Sea her culture or outsides eyes

Sea is the sight 

Acknowledge place of sea


Singin both at the parade nd at the end

Ancestors came in the canoes and it becomes a historacal

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Reflect Academic Expectations

Reflect Academic Expectations

efore beginning to write your literature review, it is essential to develop an outline. The outline will show the organization of your ideas and the order in which you plan to present them. It should also include the references you currently have for each topic and the topics that need further research before you write your final papr. 

For this assignment, you will create an outline of the ideas that you have gathered so far. This outline will serve as the structure for your papr. Therefore, it must be well organized and logical. With the assistance of your instructor, you will revise the outline as necessary for better structure or include necessary, but missing points in the argument or supportive research. 

Included in this week’s Resources (Appendix I), you will find an example of an outline of literature related to programs on bullying in schools. Your literature review may be organized differently, as it will relate to the particular problem you are studying and its important points and aspects. Submit your outline, along with a reference list that reflects the research you noted in your outline. Your faculty member will guide you concerning any improvements you need to make in the structure or content of your outline.

You will also develop an annotated outline (incorporating 8-10 references) for your research papr.

Length: 1-2 pages, not including title or reference pages

References: Include a minimum of 8-10 scholarly resources.

The completed assignment should address all of the assignment requirements, exhibit evidence of concept knowledge, and demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the content presented in the course. The writing should integrate scholarly resources, reflect academic expectations and current APA standards, and adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.

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Clear Research Question

Clear Research Question

First, you will create a thesis statement that includes a clear research question that you are answering. A thesis statement is a 1 or 2-sentence statement that condenses the argument you will make in your pp. It identifies the topic of your pp  and indicates the position you will take with the topic you present in your pp. It will be the guide for the content and focus of your pp r and subsequent presentation.

This assignment will require no references, though its’ development should be based on your review of the literature. Thus, your thesis statement will consider this information as you develop your clear, specific, and succinct thesis statement that will direct your other assignments in this course. Keep in mind that this should generally be one sentence and no more than two sentences. It is important that you are able to summarize your topic and position succinctly to truly be clear on what you are reviewing and applying.

Length: 1-2 sentences

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