Special Education Process ●

Special Education Process ●

 In person or via phone, interview a certified special education teacher and a general education teacher specific to a grade range relevant to your program of study. Your interview notes will be submitted as part of the assignment deliverable.

In the interviews, address the following:

● Describe your role in the IEP process.

Case Manager- maintain confidential records for assigned students

● Summarize the steps that should be followed prior to creating an IEP for an individual with disabilities.

● Describe how you involve parents/guardians and students in the special education process.

● Describe strategies that can be used to ensure confidentiality of information and instill trust

with parents/guardians. Discuss other legal, ethical, and policy responsibilities teachers have related to the educational, developmental, and medical services for individuals with disabilities and their parents/guardians.

● Explain how you offer support to parents/guardians of individuals with disabilities. Include discussion of specific types of support and resources you typically provide.

● Describe how you collaborate with the school psychologist and administration as team members in the special education process.

● Describe the special education resources and training provided by your district.

● Explain how you collect data for IEP progress monitoring.

● Describe the collaboration between special education and general education teachers to

meet the needs of students.

In a 750-1,000 word reflection, identify the school settings for the teachers you interviewed and discuss the following:

● All team members are accountable for understanding the procedures and guidelines for the special education process. Discuss how you plan to comply with this requirement and explain how you will ensure that other team members understand their roles.

● Describe strategies you could employ for ensuring confidentiality of information and instilling trust with parents/guardians. Discuss the legal, ethical, and policy responsibilities teachers have related to the educational, developmental, and medical services for individuals with disabilities and their parents/guardians.

● Describe how you will encourage the involvement of parents/guardians and students in the IEP process. Include discussion about how you will document all efforts to involve parents/guardians and students in the process.

● Describe the major differences in roles between the special education teacher and the general education teacher. Discuss whether your frame of reference about the roles of educators in the special education process has changed, and if so, explain how.

● Describe strategies that could be used for effective collaboration between the special education teacher and general education teacher to support learning for students with disabilities.

● Data collection should be completed by both special education and general education teachers. Describe specific strategies you can employ in your future professional practice to streamline the data collection process and support team members in the process of data collection

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Teaching Reading Using Graphic

Teaching Reading Using Graphic


Let’s Learn about Graphic Organizers

This assignment will help you learn more about graphic organizers (GOs).  Using the required review resources below, you are to write the prompts and then respond to them in complete sentences in a Word document.

  1. Describe a graphic organizer in your own words and the rationale or purpose(s) for its use 
  2. List and describe at least three benefits of using graphic organizers.
  3. List and briefly three different types of graphic organizers from the resources below and briefly describe a specific concept you could teach using that style of the graphic organizer. For example, I might use a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast two different characters in a story. 
  4. Review the four graphic organizers created on the Popplet program by students in another class. Then briefly describe at least three features of the GO’s designs that help make them more helpful for students to learn the concepts and why they help.  

Required for Review: Graphic Organizers Resources: Definitions and Types

  • The Ultimate List of Graphic Organizers for Teachers and StudentsLinks to an external site. 
  • 25 FREE Google Drawings graphic organizers — and how to make your ownLinks to an external site. 

Sample Graphic Organizers created in the Popplet Online GO Program Links to an external site.(Required Review for Assignment)Links to an external site.

  • SeasonsLinks to an external site.
  • State of MatterLinks to an external site.
  • Earth DayLinks to an external site.
  • Water CycleLinks to an external site.

Want to Learn More? Additional Resources (Optional Review for Assignment)

  • Graphic Organizers for Science

https://youtu.be/NXN_WMHVUVkLinks to an external site.

  • Teaching Reading using Graphic Organizers

https://youtu.be/q324tc3hoWILinks to an external site.

  • Top 15 Online Digital OrganizersLinks to an external site.

 The Perfect Mind map: 6 Step Checklist

https://youtu.be/5zT_2aBP6vMLinks to an external site.

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Sociology Contribute

Sociology Contribute

  1. How does sociology contribute to the study of organizational behavior and organizational theory?
  2. Discuss the evolution of organizations and organizational sociology in the second half of the 20th century.
  3. What kinds of organizations are you a part of? Discuss the extent to which they fit the descriptions presented in this week’s course materials.

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Good News Zain

Good News Zain

This week you will also be writing both good and bad news, but this time both messages will be addressed to individuals outside of the organization. When writing good news, remember to use the direct approach; however, when writing bad news, use the indirect approach.  A single upload is fine, as long as each letter starts on a new page. You are welcomed to use the attached template, or you may use a different template. After your assignment is uploaded, please click on “View Feedback” to verify that the formatting was not altered. If necessary, please correct and resubmit. Similarity scores must be 25% or less. If similarity score exceeds 25%, revise and resubmit by the due date. Remember to adhere to formatting guidelines, including margins and spacing (please refer to sample formatted letter




  • Use Times Roman Numeral, Courier New, or Arial.
  • Left justify letter and use 1-inch margin.
  • Use correct headings (must be single-spaced):
    • Sender’s address
    • Date
    • Recipient’s address
  • Letter must be single-spaced; leave a space between each paragraph.
  • Do not indent paragraphs.
  • Reference your sourcesLinks to an external site.
  • Include complimentary close and signature block. You’re welcome to use the existing signature in the sample formatted letter.

Scenario (Good News):

Zain Martin recently interviewed with your company for a position as a securities analyst. You have good news to share with her. The company offered Zain a job with the hope of getting her in for orientation in five weeks. Your task is to write to Zain and offer her the position.

Scenario (Bad News):

You are a real estate professional who has a national reputation as a real estate expert. You were contacted recently via letter, inquiring about your ability and willingness to be the keynote speaker at a national real estate conference in Atlanta on August 12. You are flattered with the invitation and the size of the honorarium you would receive. However, you are unable to accept due to previous commitments. Your task is to write a letter to the conference host informing her of your decision. In your letter, consider sharing the names of other real estate experts who might be available and/or the possibility of videotaping your talk for the presentation.

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Least Three Social Media

Least Three Social Media

Pick a company that uses social media as a marketing and branding tool. Review at least three social media accounts your company of choice uses and assess the following:

  1. Based on their social media, how would you describe the company? How is the company trying to portray itself on social media?
  2. Are users interacting with the company on social media? If so, how are they responding?
  3. Do you think the company you are assessing has an effective strategy for using social media as a marketing tool?

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Detailed Bullet Points Support

Detailed Bullet Points Support

There is an ongoing controversy about GMOs or genetically modified food. For this discussion, you are requested to write a post that supports a position on whether GMOs are good or bad. If your last name starts with A-M you will be Pro GMO and if your last name starts with N-Z you will be Anti GMO. 

Include the following in your post:

  • Share four arguments to support your assigned position
    • Write these using separate paragraphs or detailed bullet points
    • Support the position with at least one (1) external source.
      • Use as many as needed to support each paragraph or bullet point.
      • Cite and reference all your sources.
  • Share what you have learned while supporting your assigned position.
    • Discuss how this assignment affected your original opinion on GMOS.
    • Share what surprised or interested you as you were conducting your research.

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

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Issues May Run Much

Issues May Run Much


Discussion: Workplace Environment Assessment

How healthy is your workplace?

You may think your current organization operates seamlessly, or you may feel it has many issues. You may experience or even observe things that give you pause. Yet, much as you wouldn’t try to determine the health of a patient through mere observation, you should not attempt to gauge the health of your work environment based on observation and opinion. Often, there are issues you perceive as problems that others do not; similarly, issues may run much deeper than leadership recognizes.

There are many factors and measures that may impact organizational health. Among these is civility. While an organization can institute policies designed to promote such things as civility, how can it be sure these are managed effectively? In this Discussion, you will examine the use of tools in measuring workplace civility.

To Prepare:

  • Review the Resources and examine the Clark Healthy Workplace Inventory, found on page 20 of Clark (2015).
  • Review and complete the Work Environment Assessment Template in the Resources.
By Day 3 of Week 7

Post a brief description of the results of your Work Environment Assessment. Based on the results, how civil is your workplace? Explain why your workplace is or is not civil. Then, describe a situation where you have experienced incivility in the workplace. How was this addressed? Be specific and provide examples.

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Word Format Doc

Word Format Doc


Instructions: There are 3 parts to this assignment.

Please open assignment by clicking on the folder, download the document and complete it.  You must complete your assignment in pdf or word format (.doc or .docx).  If you fail to submit your assignment as a pdf or a word document (.doc or .docx) you will not have an opportunity to resubmit after the due date, and you WILL receive a zero.  Click on the folder to get to the submission tab and attach your document and then click submit.

Please review the attached rubric, it will be used for grading your assignment.

Submit Assignment via Canvas. Save as Word document file with a name

Suggested file format: Choosemyplate- Your First and Last Name

Failure to follow directions will result in ZERO points.  If you do not submit your assignment in either Word or PDF, you WILL NOT be able to submit your assignments again for credit.

ChooseMyPlate Assignment – Instructions – BCCC-1.docxDownload ChooseMyPlate Assignment – Instructions – BCCC-1.docx 

ChooseMyPlate Assignment – Worksheet- BCCC.docxDownload ChooseMyPlate Assignment – Worksheet- BCCC.docx  

ChooseMyPlate Assignment – Worksheet Sample – BCCC.docxDownload ChooseMyPlate Assignment – Worksheet Sample – BCCC.docx 

Please read the instructions to determine which MyPlatePlan you will use.  Please be sure to identify the calorie level that you used.

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Graph Indicate Correct Variables

Graph Indicate Correct Variables

 Give your partner feedback that will help them:Can you follow the methods?Can you see how they would analyze their data?Do the limitations seem reasonable?

  1. Is this section divided into Participants, Measures/Stimuli, and Procedure?
  2. Do the methods logically relate to the hypothesis?
  3. Are all variables defined? Are groups explained?
  4. Does the data analysis proposed to assist in testing the hypothesis?
  5. Are the appropriate variables analyzed based on the hypothesis?
  6. Does the graph indicate correct variables (groups vs continuous) found in the hypothesis?
  7. Is generalizability of results considered?
  8. Any limitations they may have missed?
  • We are ultimately looking for clarity and precision so if you read and are unsure of what they mean, point that out. It helps everyone to go back and be more specific!
  • Do not surprise your partner with the content of your peer review. Be sure to discuss your thoughts on his or her work with your partner directly and do so with timeliness, professional courtesy, and scholarship. You may share your review with your partner before you submit it here.


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Experiencing Either Generalized Anxiety

Experiencing Either Generalized Anxiety

For your 1st paper, a minimum 4 pages, I want you to:

Write up a case study example as if you are the therapist and you are meeting with a client who is experiencing either generalized anxiety disorder OR major depressive disorder (you choose).

-On the 1st page of the paper I want you to first write up a paragraph or two describing the client in detail. Tell me their demographics (who they are, some stuff about their history, and about their presenting problem, etc. AKA why did they come to therapy). Afterwards, provide evidence that helped you accurately diagnose your client. This should take up the entire 1st page of your paper.

-On the remaining pages, I want you to write as up your thoughts about the client as if you have just met them for the first session. I want you to tell me a little bit about what you think is going on for them, how you came up with the diagnosis, what you think the contributing factors to their symptoms are, what your treatment plan thoughts are, what type of therapy you want to use and why (cognitive behavioral, humanistic, psychoanalytic, etc).  I want you to show me that you have carefully considered their history and what your thought process is about how to treat them. 

I am not concerned about APA format. I am looking to see if you deeply understand anxiety or depression and how it would manifest in a potential client – and how you would individually want to help them create change.

You can use the internet, but DO NOT plagiarize ANYTHING from the internet. You will immediately get a 0 for that.

Double spaced. 12 font size. Minimum 4 pages. Post it on Classes.

Due DateOct 7, 2022 11:59 PM

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