Create a New Religion

We have now studied several religious traditions. As a result, you should be acquainted with the meaning of religious beliefs, values, and practices, and how people center their lives around their religious traditions. In addition, you should understand the core elements of religions that you have encountered in your studies.

NOTE: Your new religion may be either monotheistic (having only one deity) or polytheistic (having multiple deities). Atheistic and anti-religion religions (efforts that oppose religious practices and institutions) are not acceptable for this assignment.

Your goal for this Power Issue Project is to create a new religious tradition from scratch that would meet the needs of religious people. Use your creativity to make up beliefs, values, practices, and core elements for your new religion. You may consult with people that you feel can guide your creativity and you may use resources outside of the textbook and materials presented in this course. However, you must document use of all non-original information in the body-of-text of your writing and in a Works Cited for MLA or References for APA.

After you have created your new religious tradition, imagine that it is having an internal power struggle over a particular issue. Discuss in detail the power struggle and the issue, tensions the power struggle and issue are causing within the new religious tradition, how those tensions are being addressed, and how religious leaders and/or worshippers expect to resolve the power struggle. [600-800 word limit]

For example: The power struggle might be that women and persons of non-binary gender identities are seeking various leadership positions in your new religious tradition. They are being met with opposition by persons who believe that they should be excluded from religious leadership.

In your written discussion, explain how your new religious tradition’s power struggle and issue are impacting perception of the new religious tradition in the global religious arena. Describe whether religious people around the world view your new religious tradition as being a threat, an asset, or irrelevant.

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