Data, data everywhere! | Education homework help

Data, Data Everywhere!
[WLO: 2] [CLO: 3]
Whether you like it or not, teaching will involve math; more specifically, statistics. Understanding how to analyze the data from test results will not only support learning, but inform your practice. Additionally, it will help you to provide clear feedback to both learners and stakeholders, if applicable. For this assignment, you use hypothetical test results from the summative assessment you created in Week 3 to help you learn how to analyze the testing data and know what to do with it.
Prior to beginning work on this assignment,
Consider how data can help drive your instruction and better support learner needs.
Complete the following:
Determine the mean, median, and mode for the summative test results data only.
Discuss the following making reference to the course text:
Examine the Week 4 Data Chart and Bar Graphs related to summative assessment results.
What does the data tell you about how learners performed on the summative assessment? Explain. Refer to both the bar graph about test results and incorrect answer choices.
Discuss how you would use this information to inform your instruction. Be specific.
For example, consider the incorrect answer choices data and link it to your summative assessment. For the questions that learners received the most incorrect answers, how might you reteach the concept and differentiate for those who already mastered it using flexible grouping? How might you give feedback to your learners based on the test results?
Describe how the mean, median, and mode different? Similar?
Describe different situations in which each of the mean, the mode, or the median would be the most appropriate measure of central tendency, and relate it to your test results data. Which measure of central tendency would be most appropriate for your test results and why? How might you use this data when sharing results with the learners or parents of the learners?
Describe the importance of understanding statistics in the education profession.
How might it improve your practice and support learning? Use evidence from the readings to support your response.
Writing and Formatting Expectations
Your Data, Data Everywhere! assignment
Must two to three double-spaced pages in length including the graphs, computation of mean, median, and mode, and the reflection (does not include the title or reference page).
Must include a separate title page with the following:
Title of paper
Student’s name
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Date submitted
For further assistance with the formatting and the title page, refer to APA Formatting for Word 2013 (Links to an external site.).

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