Discuss local statistics from Charles County Maryland for syphilis

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· Discuss local statistics from Charles County Maryland for syphilis
· Offer at least one evidence based action plan that is measurable and could be implemented in the community to decrease the incidence of that syphillis.
· Discuss at least one opposition or barrier they may come across with the proposed action plan.
· References must be evidence based and no older than 5 years
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Discuss local statistics from Charles County Maryland for Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
· Offer at least one evidence based action plan that is measurable and could be implemented in the community to decrease the incidence of that HPV.
· Discuss at least one opposition or barrier they may come across with the proposed action plan.
References must be evidence based and no older than 5 years
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What statistics are available for Charles County Maryland regarding gonorrhea?
Based on the statistics presented, what can you surmise about the incidence of chlamydia? Any conclusions you can draw here?
What are the CDC recommendations for treatment of gonorrhea in pregnancy?
Do recommendations change when a pregnant female with gonorrhea is treated?
References must be evidence based and no older than 5 years
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