DS_Store Assignment
Assignment 1/.idea/modules.xml
Assignment 1/.idea/workspace.xml
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Assignment 1/Assignment 1.iml
Assignment 1/src/.DS_Store
Assignment 1/src/main/.DS_Store
Assignment 1/src/main/ca/.DS_Store
Assignment 1/src/main/ca/bcit/.DS_Store
Assignment 1/src/main/ca/bcit/comp2526/.DS_Store
Assignment 1/src/main/ca/bcit/comp2526/NotEnoughDataException.java
Assignment 1/src/main/ca/bcit/comp2526/NotEnoughDataException.java
package ca . bcit . comp2526 ;
public class NotEnoughDataException
extends Exception
private final int expected ;
public NotEnoughDataException ( final int expected )
super ( String . format ( “Require %d bytes to be available” , expected ));
this . expected = expected ;
public int getExpected ()
return expected ;
Assignment 1/src/main/ca/bcit/comp2526/StreamUtils.java
Assignment 1/src/main/ca/bcit/comp2526/StreamUtils.java
package ca . bcit . comp2526 ;
import java . io . DataInputStream ;
import java . io . IOException ;
import java . io . InputStream ;
public final class StreamUtils
private StreamUtils ()
throw new IllegalStateException ( “Do not instantiate” );
// this has issues, but will do for now
private static boolean checkAvailable ( final InputStream stream ,
final int required )
throws IOException
final int available ;
available = stream . available ();
return available >= required ;
public static void readBytes ( final DataInputStream stream ,
final byte [] bytes )
throws IOException ,
if ( ! ( checkAvailable ( stream , bytes . length )))
throw new NotEnoughDataException ( bytes . length );
stream . readFully ( bytes );
public static byte readByte ( final DataInputStream stream )
throws IOException ,
if ( ! ( checkAvailable ( stream , 1 )))
throw new NotEnoughDataException ( 1 );
final byte value ;
value = stream . readByte ();
return value ;
public static short readUnsignedByte ( final DataInputStream stream )
throws IOException ,
final byte value ;
final short unsigned ;
value = readByte ( stream );
// Why isn’t there a Byte.toUnsignedShort?!
unsigned = ( short ) Byte . toUnsignedInt ( value );
return unsigned ;
public static short readShort ( final DataInputStream stream )
throws IOException ,
if ( ! ( checkAvailable ( stream , 2 )))
throw new NotEnoughDataException ( 2 );
final short value ;
value = stream . readShort ();
return value ;
public static int readUnsignedShort ( final DataInputStream stream )
throws IOException ,
final short value ;
final int unsigned ;
value = readShort ( stream );
unsigned = Short . toUnsignedInt ( value );
return unsigned ;
public static int readInt ( final DataInputStream stream )
throws IOException ,
if ( ! ( checkAvailable ( stream , 4 )))
throw new NotEnoughDataException ( 4 );
final int value ;
value = stream . readInt ();
return value ;
public static long readUnsignedInt ( final DataInputStream stream )
throws IOException ,
final int value ;
final long unsigned ;
value = readInt ( stream );
unsigned = Integer . toUnsignedLong ( value );
return unsigned ;
public static float readFloat ( final DataInputStream stream )
throws IOException ,
if ( ! ( checkAvailable ( stream , 4 )))
throw new NotEnoughDataException ( 4 );
final float value ;
value = stream . readFloat ();
return value ;
public static long readLong ( final DataInputStream stream )
throws IOException ,
if ( ! ( checkAvailable ( stream , 8 )))
throw new NotEnoughDataException ( 8 );
final long value ;
value = stream . readLong ();
return value ;
public static double readDouble ( final DataInputStream stream )
throws IOException ,
if ( ! ( checkAvailable ( stream , 8 )))
throw new NotEnoughDataException ( 8 );
final double value ;
value = stream . readDouble ();
return value ;
Assignment 1/src/test/.DS_Store
Assignment 1/src/test/ca/.DS_Store
Assignment 1/src/test/ca/bcit/.DS_Store
Assignment 1/src/test/ca/bcit/comp2526/BadMagicTests.java
Assignment 1/src/test/ca/bcit/comp2526/BadMagicTests.java
package ca . bcit . comp2526 ;
import org . junit . jupiter . api . BeforeAll ;
import org . junit . jupiter . api . Test ;
import org . junit . jupiter . api . TestInstance ;
import java . io . IOException ;
import static org . hamcrest . CoreMatchers . equalTo ;
import static org . hamcrest . MatcherAssert . assertThat ;
import static org . junit . jupiter . api . Assertions . * ;
import static org . junit . jupiter . api . Assertions . assertThrows ;
public class BadMagicTests
extends ClassFileTest
@ Test
public void badMagicNumber1 ()
final InvalidMagicNumberException ex ;
ex = assertThrows ( InvalidMagicNumberException . class , () -> createClassFile ( new byte [] { ( byte ) 0xCA , ( byte ) 0xFE , ( byte ) 0xBA , ( byte ) 0xBD }));
assertThat ( ex . getMessage (), equalTo ( “Magic number must be 3405691582, was: 3405691581” ));
@ Test
public void badMagicNumber2 ()
final InvalidMagicNumberException ex ;
ex = assertThrows ( InvalidMagicNumberException . class , () -> createClassFile ( new byte [] { ( byte ) 0xCA , ( byte ) 0xFE , ( byte ) 0xBA , ( byte ) 0xBC }));
assertThat ( ex . getMessage (), equalTo ( “Magic number must be 3405691582, was: 3405691580” ));
Assignment 1/src/test/ca/bcit/comp2526/ClassFileTest.java
Assignment 1/src/test/ca/bcit/comp2526/ClassFileTest.java
package ca . bcit . comp2526 ;
import java . io . ByteArrayInputStream ;
import java . io . DataInputStream ;
import java . io . IOException ;
public abstract class ClassFileTest
protected ClassFile createClassFile ( final byte [] bytes )
throws IOException ,
NotEnoughDataException ,
try ( final DataInputStream stream = new DataInputStream ( new ByteArrayInputStream ( bytes )))
final ClassFile classFile ;
classFile = new ClassFile ( stream );
return classFile ;
Assignment 1/src/test/ca/bcit/comp2526/MissingMagicTests.java
Assignment 1/src/test/ca/bcit/comp2526/MissingMagicTests.java
package ca . bcit . comp2526 ;
import org . junit . jupiter . api . Test ;
import org . junit . jupiter . api . TestInstance ;
import java . io . IOException ;
import static org . hamcrest . CoreMatchers . equalTo ;
import static org . hamcrest . MatcherAssert . assertThat ;
import static org . junit . jupiter . api . Assertions . * ;
import static org . junit . jupiter . api . Assertions . assertThrows ;
public class MissingMagicTests
extends ClassFileTest
@ Test
public void createClassFile ()
final NotEnoughDataException ex ;
ex = assertThrows ( NotEnoughDataException . class , () -> createClassFile ( new byte []{}));
assertThat ( ex . getMessage (), equalTo ( “Require 4 bytes to be available” ));
Assignment 1/src/test/ca/bcit/comp2526/MissingMajorTests.java
Assignment 1/src/test/ca/bcit/comp2526/MissingMajorTests.java
package ca . bcit . comp2526 ;
import org . junit . jupiter . api . Test ;
import org . junit . jupiter . api . TestInstance ;
import java . io . IOException ;
import static org . hamcrest . CoreMatchers . equalTo ;
import static org . hamcrest . MatcherAssert . assertThat ;
import static org . junit . jupiter . api . Assertions . assertThrows ;
public class MissingMajorTests
extends ClassFileTest
@ Test
public void createClassFile ()
final NotEnoughDataException ex ;
ex = assertThrows ( NotEnoughDataException . class , () -> createClassFile ( new byte [] { ( byte ) 0xCA , ( byte ) 0xFE , ( byte ) 0xBA , ( byte ) 0xBE , ( byte ) 0x00 , ( byte ) 0x00 }));
assertThat ( ex . getMessage (), equalTo ( “Require 2 bytes to be available” ));
Assignment 1/src/test/ca/bcit/comp2526/MissingMinorTests.java
Assignment 1/src/test/ca/bcit/comp2526/MissingMinorTests.java
package ca . bcit . comp2526 ;
import org . junit . jupiter . api . Test ;
import org . junit . jupiter . api . TestInstance ;
import java . io . IOException ;
import static org . hamcrest . CoreMatchers . equalTo ;
import static org . hamcrest . MatcherAssert . assertThat ;
import static org . junit . jupiter . api . Assertions . * ;
import static org . junit . jupiter . api . Assertions . assertThrows ;
public class MissingMinorTests
extends ClassFileTest
@ Test
public void createClassFile ()
final NotEnoughDataException ex ;
ex = assertThrows ( NotEnoughDataException . class , () -> createClassFile ( new byte [] { ( byte ) 0xCA , ( byte ) 0xFE , ( byte ) 0xBA , ( byte ) 0xBE }));
assertThat ( ex . getMessage (), equalTo ( “Require 2 bytes to be available” ));
Assignment 1/src/test/ca/bcit/comp2526/ShortMagic1Tests.java
Assignment 1/src/test/ca/bcit/comp2526/ShortMagic1Tests.java
package ca . bcit . comp2526 ;
import org . junit . jupiter . api . Test ;
import org . junit . jupiter . api . TestInstance ;
import java . io . IOException ;
import static org . hamcrest . CoreMatchers . equalTo ;
import static org . hamcrest . MatcherAssert . assertThat ;
import static org . junit . jupiter . api . Assertions . * ;
import static org . junit . jupiter . api . Assertions . assertThrows ;
public class ShortMagic1Tests
extends ClassFileTest
@ Test
public void createClassFile ()
final NotEnoughDataException ex ;
ex = assertThrows ( NotEnoughDataException . class , () -> createClassFile ( new byte [] { ( byte ) 0xCA }));
assertThat ( ex . getMessage (), equalTo ( “Require 4 bytes to be available” ));
Assignment 1/src/test/ca/bcit/comp2526/ShortMagic2Tests.java
Assignment 1/src/test/ca/bcit/comp2526/ShortMagic2Tests.java
package ca . bcit . comp2526 ;
import org . junit . jupiter . api . Test ;
import org . junit . jupiter . api . TestInstance ;
import java . io . IOException ;
import static org . hamcrest . CoreMatchers . equalTo ;
import static org . hamcrest . MatcherAssert . assertThat ;
import static org . junit . jupiter . api . Assertions . * ;
import static org . junit . jupiter . api . Assertions . assertThrows ;
public class ShortMagic2Tests
extends ClassFileTest
@ Test
public void createClassFile ()
final NotEnoughDataException ex ;
ex = assertThrows ( NotEnoughDataException . class , () -> createClassFile ( new byte [] { ( byte ) 0xCA , ( byte ) 0xFE }));
assertThat ( ex . getMessage (), equalTo ( “Require 4 bytes to be available” ));
Assignment 1/src/test/ca/bcit/comp2526/ShortMagic3Tests.java
Assignment 1/src/test/ca/bcit/comp2526/ShortMagic3Tests.java
package ca . bcit . comp2526 ;
import org . junit . jupiter . api . Test ;
import org . junit . jupiter . api . TestInstance ;
import java . io . IOException ;
import static org . hamcrest . CoreMatchers . equalTo ;
import static org . hamcrest . MatcherAssert . assertThat ;
import static org . junit . jupiter . api . Assertions . * ;
import static org . junit . jupiter . api . Assertions . assertThrows ;
public class ShortMagic3Tests
extends ClassFileTest
@ Test
public void createClassFile ()
final NotEnoughDataException ex ;
ex = assertThrows ( NotEnoughDataException . class , () -> createClassFile ( new byte [] { ( byte ) 0xCA , ( byte ) 0xFE , ( byte ) 0xBA , }));
assertThat ( ex . getMessage (), equalTo ( “Require 4 bytes to be available” ));
Assignment 1/src/test/ca/bcit/comp2526/ShortMajorTests.java
Assignment 1/src/test/ca/bcit/comp2526/ShortMajorTests.java
package ca . bcit . comp2526 ;
import org . junit . jupiter . api . Test ;
import org . junit . jupiter . api . TestInstance ;
import java . io . IOException ;
import static org . hamcrest . CoreMatchers . equalTo ;
import static org . hamcrest . MatcherAssert . assertThat ;
import static org . junit . jupiter . api . Assertions . * ;
import static org . junit . jupiter . api . Assertions . assertThrows ;
public class ShortMajorTests
extends ClassFileTest
@ Test
public void createClassFile ()
final NotEnoughDataException ex ;
ex = assertThrows ( NotEnoughDataException . class , () -> createClassFile ( new byte [] { ( byte ) 0xCA , ( byte ) 0xFE , ( byte ) 0xBA , ( byte ) 0xBE , ( byte ) 0x00 , ( byte ) 0x00 , ( byte ) 0x00 }));
assertThat ( ex . getMessage (), equalTo ( “Require 2 bytes to be available” ));
Assignment 1/src/test/ca/bcit/comp2526/ShortMinorTests.java
Assignment 1/src/test/ca/bcit/comp2526/ShortMinorTests.java
package ca . bcit . comp2526 ;
import org . junit . jupiter . api . Test ;
import org . junit . jupiter . api . TestInstance ;
import java . io . IOException ;
import static org . hamcrest . CoreMatchers . equalTo ;
import static org . hamcrest . MatcherAssert . assertThat ;
import static org . junit . jupiter . api . Assertions . * ;
import static org . junit . jupiter . api . Assertions . assertThrows ;
public class ShortMinorTests
extends ClassFileTest
@ Test
public void createClassFile ()
final NotEnoughDataException ex ;
ex = assertThrows ( NotEnoughDataException . class , () -> createClassFile ( new byte [] { ( byte ) 0xCA , ( byte ) 0xFE , ( byte ) 0xBA , ( byte ) 0xBE , ( byte ) 0x00 }));
assertThat ( ex . getMessage (), equalTo ( “Require 2 bytes to be available” ));
Assignment 1/src/test/ca/bcit/comp2526/TooHighMajorTests.java
Assignment 1/src/test/ca/bcit/comp2526/TooHighMajorTests.java
package ca . bcit . comp2526 ;
import org . junit . jupiter . api . Test ;
import java . io . IOException ;
import static org . hamcrest . CoreMatchers . equalTo ;
import static org . hamcrest . MatcherAssert . assertThat ;
import static org . junit . jupiter . api . Assertions . * ;
import static org . junit . jupiter . api . Assertions . assertThrows ;
public class TooHighMajorTests
extends ClassFileTest
@ Test
public void majorTooHigh1 ()
final InvalidMajorVersionException ex ;
ex = assertThrows ( InvalidMajorVersionException . class , () -> createClassFile ( new byte [] { ( byte ) 0xCA , ( byte ) 0xFE , ( byte ) 0xBA , ( byte ) 0xBE , ( byte ) 0x00 , ( byte ) 0x00 , ( byte ) 0x00 , ( byte ) 0x38 }));
assertThat ( ex . getMessage (), equalTo ( “Major number must be between 45 and 55, was: 56” ));
@ Test
public void majorTooHigh2 ()
final InvalidMajorVersionException ex ;
ex = assertThrows ( InvalidMajorVersionException . class , () -> createClassFile ( new byte [] { ( byte ) 0xCA , ( byte ) 0xFE , ( byte ) 0xBA , ( byte ) 0xBE , ( byte ) 0x00 , ( byte ) 0x00 , ( byte ) 0x00 , ( byte ) 0x39 }));
assertThat ( ex . getMessage (), equalTo ( “Major number must be between 45 and 55, was: 57” ));
Assignment 1/src/test/ca/bcit/comp2526/TooLowMajorTests.java
Assignment 1/src/test/ca/bcit/comp2526/TooLowMajorTests.java
package ca . bcit . comp2526 ;
import org . junit . jupiter . api . Test ;
import java . io . IOException ;
import static org . hamcrest . CoreMatchers . equalTo ;
import static org . hamcrest . MatcherAssert . assertThat ;
import static org . junit . jupiter . api . Assertions . * ;
import static org . junit . jupiter . api . Assertions . assertThrows ;
public class TooLowMajorTests
extends ClassFileTest
@ Test
public void majorTooLow1 ()
final InvalidMajorVersionException ex ;
ex = assertThrows ( InvalidMajorVersionException . class , () -> createClassFile ( new byte [] { ( byte ) 0xCA , ( byte ) 0xFE , ( byte ) 0xBA , ( byte ) 0xBE , ( byte ) 0x00 , ( byte ) 0x00 , ( byte ) 0x00 , ( byte ) 0x2C }));
assertThat ( ex . getMessage (), equalTo ( “Major number must be between 45 and 55, was: 44” ));
@ Test
public void majorTooLow2 ()
final InvalidMajorVersionException ex ;
ex = assertThrows ( InvalidMajorVersionException . class , () -> createClassFile ( new byte [] { ( byte ) 0xCA , ( byte ) 0xFE , ( byte ) 0xBA , ( byte ) 0xBE , ( byte ) 0x00 , ( byte ) 0x00 , ( byte ) 0x00 , ( byte ) 0x2B }));
assertThat ( ex . getMessage (), equalTo ( “Major number must be between 45 and 55, was: 43” ));
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