Why is nanotechnology important
in medicine?
This study seeks to find out the significance of
nanotechnology in medicine. The hypothesis of this study is that nanotechnology
is a significant technique in the field of medicine. Nanotechnology refers
to the application of nano –particles in medicine (Putheti, Okigbo, Sai advanapu, & Chavanpatil, 28).
It employs the use of nano-robots for cellar level change. Significant benefits
have been felt in employing this technique in medicine (Ramachandran, & Shanmughavel, 56). This comes
with many possibilities such as drug delivery, and therapy techniques. This
study will apply secondary methods of data collection. Recommendations are
given in relation to the analysis and discussion of the study.
Nanotechnology is
a beneficial technique in the field of medicine.
There main
objectives of carrying out the research include finding out the benefits of the
technology in medicine, analyze how this technique can be applied, study the
progress made in relation to medicine. The study also seeks to find out the
limitation of this technique, explore the opportunities this technology
has in medicine and identify prevailing loopholes in the previous studies.
Research questions
The major
questions this study seeks to answer include:
What is nanotechnology?
How is it applied in the field of medicine?
What are the challenges in its application?
What are the benefits of this technology?
What are the weaknesses of this technology?
What are other options to this technology in
Literature review
of the topic of study
has some exciting possibilities ever imagined (Farokhzad & Langer, 1458). These possibilities
come with various elements of testing and implementation. It employs the use of
nano-particles and various researches using nano-robots. These help to restore
cellular level, which is also referred to as nano-medicine. The application of
nano-technology in medicine is to revolutionize the detection of diseases and
treatment of damaged body parts of the human beings (Nie et al, 68). This technique manipulates atoms and
molecules to come up with varied and new materials. This technique is expected
to transform the delivery of drugs, diagnostics of diseases and gene therapy,
among many clinical applications. This is expected to save many lives by coming
up with health solutions.
predictions hold so much hope for the future research (Drabu, Khatri, Babu, & Verma, 172). This is
through great innovations in the field of nano-technology and in future
developments. There is an explosion of studies therefore in the medical
applications of this technology. The new developments are expected to employ
nano-materials in the field. There is
however, considerable challenges related to this research. This is in relation
to the materials and the tools used. The challenges also touch on the cost and
the timescales in carrying out the research. There is also the problem of securing
the confidence of the public in assuring them of the safety of the materials.
This is so far not clear on how it is going to be done. This security is
significant in managing the over-exaggeration of the concerns related to this
of the topic in the field of medicine
One of the uses of
this technique is in the delivery of drugs. This technique is applied in the heating,
lighting and other elements to given body cells. Particles are directed to
specific cells affected by diseases. This then allows for direct treatment of
the cells. The technique reduces more harm to the cells. It also helps in the
early detection of the disease within the body. For instance, nano-particles
distribute chemotherapy drugs to the cancer cells (Nie et al, 58). Presently,
there are various tests under development, which target distribution of the
chemotherapy drugs to the patients. These tests are yet to be approved. Nano-sponges
absorb toxins and eradicate them from the blood flow. Nano-sponges are polymer particles,
which are covered with red blood cells film the membrane freely, allow the
nano-particles to move in the bloodstream and exert a pull on the toxins
(Kumar, 26). Approaches to produce sound waves, which are powerful and tightly
focused, have been demonstrated. This is useful in the non-invasive
surgery. Lens covered with carbon
nano-tubes are employed. They alter light from the laser to the sound waves.
This technique is expected to blast tumors and other diseases without affecting
the healthy cells. By employing the bismuth nano-particles, treatment of cancer
will be better. The particles are to be used in radiation therapy on cancer
tumors. These particles are expected to reduce the tumor by around 90%.
PEG-HCC, polyethylene glycol-hydrophilic carbon clusters have higher attraction
to free carbons than the body proteins (Cui, Wei, Park & Lieber, 1290).
They can be used therefore in the reduction of the harmful free radicals
especially after brain injury. Breast cancer tumors are also to be destroyed (Hu,
12487). This is expected to be through the application of heat therapy. The
nano-tubes will be attached to the antibodies. These are attracted to the
proteins made in a given type of cancer cell in the breast. The nano-tubes then
accumulate in the tumor. It then absorbs the infrared light from the laser and
produces heat, which incinerates the growth.
studies related to the research
Present studies
illustrate that gelatin nano-particles can be employed in the delivery of drugs
to the damaged tissues in the brain (Ramachandran & Shanmughavel, 58).
Other studies also use these particles in the delivery of the vaccinations.
They protect the vaccines by giving the vaccinations extra time to activate
stronger immune reactions. Other studies under development include the
application of a method to release insulin, which applies a sponge-like matrix.
This matrix has insulin and nano-capsules with enzymes. The glucose level is
made to rise. This increases the nano-capsules hydrogen ions releases. This
binds with the fibers hence, makes up the matrix. The fibers are positively
charged with the hydrogen ions hence repel each other and create openings for
the matrix, which releases the insulin. There are developments to make a
nano-particle, which can be orally taken. This is to pass through the
intestines lining to the blood. This will allow the drugs taken through
vaccinations to be easily taken orally (Sahoo, Parveen & panda, 21). There
are other developments to defeat viruses through the nano-particles. Through
the nano-particles, enzymes are released from the nano-particles. These prevent
more production of the virus molecules to the bloodstream of the patients
(Farokhzard, & Langer 1247-8).
implanted in a sensor gel to be used to control the nitric oxide level in the
blood. This is injected under the skin. The nitric oxide level is significant
as it shows inflammation. This further allows easier control of the
inflammatory diseases (Navalakhe & Nandedkar, 160). This test has passed
the testing stage. Sensors are being developed to detect minimum levels of
cancer cells in the body. This is approximated to be around five cells in a
milliliter of blood sample. Researchers are to develop sheets of grapheme oxide
to attach molecules of antibody. These are to be attached to the cancer cells. The
cells are then to be tagged with fluorescent molecules to easily identify the
cells in a microscope. Infectious diseases are to be easily diagnosed in their
early stages. The nano-particles are to be connected to the molecules in the
blood. This is to show the beginning of an infection (Putheti et al, 29).
Through Raman scattering, the particles improve the signal, thereby allowing
identification of the molecules, carrying the diseases, at an early stage.
Developments are underway for the
detection of the kidney damage. The approach employs gold nano-rods. These are
to be attached to the protein produced by the destroyed kidneys. When the
attachment is complete, the color of the rod is to change. This is expected to
be a quick test and fair in price. Nano-crystalline silver is among the early
uses in nano-medicine. This is an antimicrobial agents used to treat wounds
of data collection
chosen methods of data collection include interviews, which will also
incorporate discussions. Secondary sources of data will also be employed. This
comprise of peer-reviewed journals, books, and electronic articles.
of participants
will be approximately 100 participants. They will be randomly chosen from a
list of the volunteers. An advertisement will be made in all the health and
research institutions. The volunteers must be high profile technicians, medical
engineers, and professional doctors. They will be requested to personally share
their experience in this field before they are allowed to participate.
Thereafter, an oral and a written consent will be required from them. .
of analyzing data
Qualitative and quantitative methods of data analysis
will be employed. This will guarantee that complete information is gathered and
there is no loophole in the research.
Since there will be both qualitative and
quantitative analysis, the timeline for analysis may take longer than two
months. In general, the study will carry out pilot study, which is expected to
take more than one month. This period will also cover the time for requesting the
relevant official documents to carry on the research. The participants will be
randomly chosen from the list of volunteers. Relevant documents will be
acquired during this period. This incorporates written and oral consent from
the respondents and government records.
Data collection is to take around three
months. This process entails going through all the relevant records on nanotechnology
in medicine. Internet sources will have to be included. Interviews are to be
incorporated in the next phase, which may take one month. Data analysis is to
take around three months. Statisticians in the government offices will be
requested to participate too. Release of the findings and recommendations will
take place in the next one month. This period will cover any other activities
related to the research.
The expected results are to relate positively with the
hypothesis. The results are to show that nano-technology is a significant
technology in the field of medicine. From the studies, it has been
realized that various research are underway to help in the delivery of drugs to
the brain injured tissues in the brain, and activation of stronger immune
reactions. Other studies are applying a method to release insulin, which is to
help some pass through the intestines lining to the blood. This will allow the
drugs taken through vaccinations to be taken easily orally. There are other
developments to defeat viruses through the nano-particles. Some other research
is concentrated to control the inflammatory diseases. Sensors are being
developed to detect minimum levels of cancer cells in the body. This is
approximated to be around five cells in a milliliter of blood sample. This will
facilitate easier diagnosis of infectious diseases in their early stages.
Developments are underway for the detection of the kidney damage. The approach
is expected to easily detect any damages in the kidney. This test is expected
to be fair in price.
of Previous studies
There are many
researches under progress. Some are yet to undergo testing while others are yet
to be approved. This makes is difficult to be tested on human beings. The public have been made to believe that by
using nano-sized materials makes the technique dangerous. The public needs to
realize that since the creation of earth; nano-particles have been used in
various ways. There is the natural production of the volcanic ash. There are
also the human by-products released from human activity such as soot and smoke.
These have been present since the Stone Age period. Through investigation so
far carried out, nano-particles have been accessible in the environment in
greater levels than the ones to be developed. The developed ones are far less
threatening than the ones presently sued even in house hold products such as
cleaning agents and insecticides. They are therefore less poisonous than the
drugs transmitted. The food business is presently leading in the growth of the
nano-materials. In as much food containing these materials are small, this is
to change in the near future. These materials have been applied in the low
levels of sugar and fat. They however have not altered the taste or the freshness.
They are used to improve the bio-availability of the food supplements.
Some are also
skeptical over the toxicological results of this technology. This is because so
many studies are carried to find out the benefits while they ignore the
consequences (Whatmore, 68). One area of concern is the volume and mobility of
the particles. These materials are said to be small enough to penetrate the
cell membranes of the stomach to the brain and nuclei cells. Therefore, if they
are dangerous, then more lives can be destroyed within a very short time. These
materials are said to be soluble and persistent. Questions have been rising
over the insoluble particles. Their insolubility nature implies that they
cannot be broken down to be degraded or digested.
These particles
have been found to be highly reactive. They have a higher surface area to
volume ratio. Hence, they are likely to trigger unknown reactions, bond with
toxins and giving them access to parts of the body, they previously could not
flow to. The high surface area a condition referred to as particle aggregation
is created. This is due to the physical and he chemical forces. The particular
one joins to become bigger particles. These may go on becoming bigger and hence
change the physiochemical features and their chemical reactivity. This
phenomena increases the complexity of the behavior and toxicology of the
materials (Whatmore, 68). Hence, more
studies need to ascertain the safety of these products before they gain access
to the public.
of the research
these advances are to take years, the benefits may take unknown duration for
the good of the public. Therefore, the time factor has not been realized in
this study.
There are various
opportunities for future research, for instance, the use of the nano -rods.
Approval needs to be made in various researches for testing and verification
among humans. From the above-mentioned risks, nano-technology seems to be
dangerous to human health (Navalakhe
& Nandedkar, 160). However, the medics emphasize its safety.
Nevertheless, when a technology is developing faster, communication and public
knowledge on its safety needs to accompany its advancements. This will be
beneficial in highlighting its benefits and securing the public confidence.
More research should be carried out to ascertain the danger they pose to the
body organs when they accumulate. Further research must also ascertain the
effect of inorganic metal oxides in the body.
This study finds out the significance of nanotechnology
in medicine. The hypothesis is that nanotechnology is a significant technique
in the field of medicine. Nanotechnology employs the use of nano-robots
for cellar level change. Significant benefits have been felt in employing this
technique in medicine. This comes with many possibilities such as drug
delivery, and therapy techniques. The
main objectives of carrying out the research include finding out the benefits
of the technology in medicine, analyze how this technique can be applied, study
the progress made in relation to medicine. Among the limitations realized is
that most of these studies are yet to be approved to realize benefits in the
field of medicine. There are also many opportunities yet to be explored.
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