Macroeconomics Case Study

In this exercise, you will demonstrate your ability to find macroeconomic data from public sources and display it in an Excel spreadsheet.

Start by choosing one of these three macroeconomic variables: Real GDP, the unemployment rate, or the inflation rate.
Follow these instructions to find numbers for your macroeconomic variable for three consecutive years:
Table 1.1.6. Real Gross Domestic Product, Chained Dollars. Select Modify and choose 2015-A&Q as the First Year. Under Series, select Annual. The Real GDP numbers for each year are in Line 1.
Labor Force Statistics From the Current Population Survey. These unemployment numbers are monthly, not annual. Use the January number for each year.
CPI for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U). These inflation numbers are monthly, not annual. Use the January number for each year.
Prepare an Excel spreadsheet that has two columns and four rows. In cells A3, A4, and A5 descending below this heading, type the three years that you have chosen.
In the heading for cell B2, type the name of the variable you chose (Real GDP, Unemployment Rate, or Inflation Rate). In the cells below this heading, type the values for each of the three years.

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