Topic: Managing Group Dynamics
You are in middle management. Your supervisor is wanting you to develop a plan for adding a new research and development group. This new R&D group will be responsible for finding and implementing a solution to certain product recall problems that have been escalating. The final goal of the group is to have a solution in place within 6 months. Your supervisor is wanting a preliminary report.
Essays must be 5-6 pages in length (excluding cover & reference page) and formatted in APA style. Exploration essay will require at least 6 scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles which deal group dynamics, types of groups, group development, etc.
In your report, discuss the following:
Discuss the nature of a task-oriented group versus a command group and what these differences will mean in relation to the new R&D group.
Explain Tuckman’s 5 stages model of group development and how you expect the R&D group to progress through each stage.
Note the specific challenges that you would expect to see at each of the 5 stages as the R&D group progresses and how these challenges might be avoided.

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