Module #2 – (chapters 5,6,7,8) Due June 14th REVISED 5/15/20
Chapter 5 Assignment – Worksheet + chapter reflection + current event
1. List six technological breakthroughs in medicine that have been made over the past few decades.
2. List three new diagnostic systems for studying the interior features of the body.
3. Between what time periods were the “baby boomers” born?
4. Which medical care option is a payment scheme in which the hospital receives a fixed fee reflecting an average cost of curing a patient’s condition?
5. What type of medical care was standard practice when health insurance was introduced in the middle of the twentieth century?
6. What care plan is in actuality a merger of an insurer and a provider of health care?
7. What is the name of an organization that includes hospitals and physicians offering their services at a fixed price in exchange for a guaranteed supply of patients?
8. Define pharmacogenomics.
9. List 6 examples of doctors attempting to produce bionic bodies.
10. What is the purpose of balloon angioplasty?
11. What types of equipment (technology) are used in minimally invasive surgery?
12. List three medical areas where hysteroscopic laser is commonly used.
13. What is a lithotripter used for?
14. What is the name of a recently FDA approved robotic surgical system?
15. What is the name of the procedure in which an egg from a woman’s ovary is fertilized outside of her body by the father’s sperm in a laboratory dish and then is re-implanted in the woman’s uterus.
16. Describe the two variations of surrogate motherhood.
17. How is embryo transfer different from surrogate motherhood?
18. Explain the details of cryo-preservation.
19. Define Amniocentesis.
20. Define Ultrasound.
21. Define Fetoscopy.
22. What ancient society was one of the first to use self-diagnosis?
23. List 2 do-it-yourself home health-testing devices that could be purchased at the local convenience store.
24. Define what a living will is.
25. What was the first legislation to recognize the living will and when was it passed?
Chapter 5 Answers – select the letter of the correct answer and include it and the question number in the assignment you submit
A. Replacing the human heart, pancreas, kidneys, limbs, blood vessels, and hip joints.
B. Mid 1940s-and Mid 1960s
C. Employing endoscopic devices, laser beams, or shock waves, robotics
D. Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO’S)
E. Urology, Pulmonary medicine, and gastroenterology
F. Heart-Lung machines, Artificial joint replacements, Artificial heart valves, Brain pacemakers, Robotic surgical assistants, Cardiac pacemakers
G. It fragments kidney stones inside the body.
H. In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
I. Preferred Provider Organization (PPO)
J. Embryo transfer is another reproduction-assisting technology that has become available to couples who are unable to conceive a child on their own. This technology may be employed for women who cannot produce eggs, but can carry a fetus to term. The couple pays a fee to a fertile woman who agrees to be inseminated with the man’s sperm. It is critical for this egg donor to be matched with the woman, in terms of their ovulation cycles.
K. Procedure using sound waves directed into the abdomen of the pregnant woman. “Pulse Echo” sonography gives the image.
L. Diagnosis-Related Group
M. Fiber-optic technology enabling the doctor to study the fetus inside the uterus.
N. Ancient Egypt
O. It is one of three standard medical inventions for coronary artery disease; can sometimes replace coronary bypass surgery to open clogged arteries.
P. P. Test for high cholesterol levels, Home-pregnancy test
Q. Computerized Axial Tomography (CAT), Use of endoscopic Instruments, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
R. A formal written declaration by a competent adult stating a wish or expectation that if he or she becomes mentally or physically ill that there is no prospect of recovery, and procedures designated to prolong life should be withheld.
S. 1) When an infertile woman and man enter a contractual agreement with another woman. The surrogate agrees to artificially inseminated with the father sperm. After carrying the resulting fetus to term, the surrogate mother is expected to return the child to the original couple. In this case the baby has the genetic characteristics of the father and the surrogate mother.
2) Another variation of surrogate motherhood arises when the female partner is not infertile,
but incapable of carrying a fetus to term. In this case, an egg from the woman is fertilized with a
man sperm in vitro, and the resulting embryo is implanted in the surrogate mother uterus.
T. The natural death act in California in the mid 1970s.
U. fee-for-service
V. A long, thin needle attached to a syringe is inserted through the lower wall of the pregnant woman’s abdomen. The amniotic fluid, which contains some live body cells shed by the fetus, is withdrawn.
W. A young couple has eggs fertilized and cooled to -321 degrees Fahrenheit, by doing this they are preserving the fertilized eggs to be used at another time.
X. daVinci
Y. New Science in the field of medicine combining knowledge of a person’s genome with what is being done in the pharmaceutical industry, the notion that one drug is fits all people is being supplemented by theories suggesting we can manufacture drugs more accurately suited to a person’s genetic makeup.
Chapter 6 Assignment – Worksheet + chapter reflection + current event
1. What umbrella acronym is used to name a host of automation technologies used in manufacturing?
2. What country was lean manufacturing developed?
3. How is concurrent engineering different from the traditional linear approach?
4. What is the main purpose of DFMA?
5. Define JIT.
6. Which system, CIM or CAM, allows for computers all over a manufacturing plane to communicate with each other?
7. What acronym is given to the computerized drawing of parts?
8. What is another name for a numerically controlled machine?
9. List one tangible benefit that has been reported among CIM users.
10. What is the difference between lean manufacturing and agile manufacturing?
11. How does supply chain management work?
12. What is the purpose of a kanban card or ticket?
13. What is bar coding used for in manufacturing?
14. What is the name of the most commonly used bar coding symbology?
15. What is the purpose of MRP?
16. What is MRP II?
17. What is the name of the machining centers, that “soft” custom manufacturing uses, that can produce a variety of parts by a simple change of software?
18. List 5 commercially available rapid prototyping systems.
19. What type of manufacturing groups machines together rather than placing them on and assembly line?
20. What layout technology is used to achieve cellular manufacturing?
21. What does TQM stand for?
22. What type of quality assurance is based on prevention-oriented rather than inspection-driven?
23. What is the name of a technique that has recently been developed and is a systematic way for a manufacturing firm to identify customer requirements and convert them into design and manufacturing needs?
24. What does ISO 9000 certification indicate about a company?
25. Who is often referred to as the father of robotics?
Chapter 6 Answers – select the letter of the correct answer and include it and the question number in the assignment you submit
B. Cellular manufacturing
C. Lean manufacturers see themselves in partnerships with their suppliers, and they generally cultivate long-term relationships with suppliers to ensure quality. Agile manufacturers focus on the customer and meeting the customer’s needs.
D. A dominant application software structure being used by manufacturing managers
E. Most widely accepted automatic identification technology used to control and drive complex conveyor systems
F. It indicates that a company meets international quality standards.
G. Japan
I. Joseph Engleberger
K. Total quality management
L. Used for planning future purchase orders and manufacturing lots according to what is required to complete a master production schedule
M. 1) laser modeling systems, 2) solid ground curing, 3) fused deposition modeling, 4) fast casting, 5) laminated object manufacturing
N. CE contrasts with the traditional linear approach, in which marketing experts conceptualize the product, design engineers design the prototype, and the manufacturing and purchasing departments make all the decisions regarding the production process and parts suppliers.
S. Product simplification
T. A manufacturing philosophy attempting to eliminate waste throughout the system, including inventory at both ends of production and all machinery and man-power not adding value directly to the product
V. Lower energy bills, Reduction in the duplication of data entry, Fewer discrepancies in the
data collected, Less scrap and rework problems
W. Used in place of job orders and routing sheets and emphasizes small lot sizes
Y. Companies today, in their quests to be lean and agile, are specializing as never before. As
specialization increases there is more dependence on external supplies or the outsourcing of an
increased percent of manufactured components. Since other companies are now supplying critical
components, a manufacturer becomes dependent on these external suppliers for the overall quality
of the product. Part of supply chain management includes the certification of suppliers who then are
considered part of the product team.
Chapter 7 Assignment – Worksheet + chapter reflection + current event
1. Define technology transfer.
2. List four generic elements that may be used to examine a majority of the activities of technology transfer.
3. Describe how foreign direct investment works in relation to technology transfer.
4. What is a turnkey plant?
5. What is involved in a licensing agreement?
6. Define entrepreneurial science.
7. Define reverse engineering.
8. What is meant by informal channels of technology transfer?
9. What is meant by a technology gap?
10. What five industries are identified by the OECD as high technology?
11. What is the most commonly referenced statistic used to measure the development of a country?
12. Define appropriate technology.
13. What are maquiladoras?
14. Discuss imitation lag.
15. Discuss demand lag.
16. What countries did the PRC rely on for technology transfer in the 1950’s and then in the1960s?
17. What was India’s political position during the cold war?
18. What is/was the general feeling of the U.S. about selling technology to communist countries?
19. In what two areas has the Russian Federation begun to utilize its competitive prowess?
20. Through the 1980’s, the Indian government emphasized its preference for technology transfer investments in what forms?
Chapter 7 Answers – select the letter of the correct answer and include it and the question number in the assignment you submit
A. The acquisition of technology by certain nations and then other nations that lag technically
B. Aerospace, computers, office machinery, electronics-communications, pharmaceuticals
C. A formal channel for the transfer of technology tied to a legal agreement between parties. The purchaser of the license normally pays royalties to the party or parties who have ownership of the technology in demand
D. A foreign owned and operated assembly plant, most often along the U.S.- Mexico border, that imports components into Mexico, assembles them into products ranging from TV’s to auto parts, and re-exports finished products
F. Its political position during the Cold War was to remain independent.
G. First the Soviet Union and then in the 1960’s China relied more on Japan and Western Europe
H. This refers to when a nation has no interest or does not accept an imported technology
I. When the recipient nation is slow in replicating and developing their own counterpart of a technology they received
J. 1. What is being transferred
2. Who is technology donor,
3. Who is technology recipient
4. Type of technology transfer channel.
K. The US felt that selling technology to communist countries was actually in opposition to keeping the USA the leader not just of technology but, even of the free world since it would be akin to empowering the enemy
L. Energy & defense supplies
M. A trend especially apparent in university research laboratories in which there is a convergence between basic and applied research, such that commercial opportunities emerge
N. Involve extensive contact between government reps., tours of industrial plants, and the establishment of domestic training and educational programs
O. Appropriate technology refers to technology that involves and meets the needs of the local
community that it will be used in without adversely affecting the local population
P. Transfer investments and in sales or licensing of technology
Q. An astute capacity to carefully disassemble an impacted device, examine it, and eventually copy it
R. Technology donor constructs a fully operation production plant for recipient nation. Easy to initiate production process.
S. It is primary channel for transfer of technology. You have oversea subsidiaries to reduce distribution
costs; they can avoid high labor costs and import duties.
T. Development of a technology product or process in one setting then is transferred for use in
another setting.
Chapter 8 Assignment – Worksheet + chapter reflection + current event
1. What are three ways of evaluating the appropriateness of technology?
2. Define Appropriate Technology.
3. Define Renewable Energy.
4. List seven forms of Renewable Energy.
5. Define Biomass energy.
6. Currently, what percentage of the electricity produced in the U.S. is produced by hydropower?
7. Which country has the highest percentage of power generated from geothermal sources?
8. Who leads the world in wind power?
9. List three methods, which have been reviewed seriously, for extracting energy from the sea.
10. What unique property do semiconductors have?
11. Where was the thermal solar power project, called Solar One, constructed?
12. Define smart growth.
13. Define new urbanism.
14. What is the “smartest” U.S. City, in terms of development?
15. What are the main considerations of a green building?
16. What is the problem of making a house too air tight?
17. List two materials that are considered Low Impact Materials.
18. What are the three broad goals of sustainable agriculture?
19. What are the main differences of integrated pest management as opposed to traditional pest control?
20. Define agroecology.
21. Define ethnobotany.
22. What is the focus of ISO 14000?
23. Define technology equity.
Chapter 8 Answers – select the letter of the correct answer and include it and the question number in the assignment you submit
A. Straw bales, rammed earth.
B. An approach to agriculture promoting sustainability and linking ecology, socioeconomics, and culture to the design of agricultural systems.
C. Technical, Cultural, and economic
D. It can lead to increase air pollution inside the structure.
E. Germany.
F. An initiative that emerged from the scientific field studying how people from a particular culture use indigenous plants.
G. An intermediate level of technology development, as opposed to one too sophisticated or complex for the problem in question. A.T. is also an attitude regarding an overreliance on high technology. It refers to technology that fits the cultural situation for which it is proposed without causing more problem than it solves.
H. Development accommodating the needs of a community without sacrificing the environment. It aims to balance development and environmental protection by creating new developments that are centered more in the towns and cities, include alternative transit options, and have mixed use development.
I. Portland, Oregon.
J. Farm profitability, improvement of the environment, and increased quality of life for farmers and their communities.
K. Managing environmental issues through appropriate business strategies.
L. In the Mojave Desert, by SCE.
M. It attempts to use ecologically sound, non-pesticide methods to reduce and manage pests. Does not attempt to eliminate all pests; rather it manages them to keep pests at an acceptable level. Although some farmers use pesticides with this, but the goal is to use pesticides targeting a specific pest instead of generic pesticides that commonly kill a range of fests. Farmers using this method also rely on biological controls, such as using other insects that feed on the unwanted pests.
N. Sources of energy that are always available because, in reality, they cannot run out, and they can be replenish.
O. A building constructed in a way that minimizes wastes and includes recycled, renewable, and reused resources to the maximum extent possible. Construction of green buildings include: energy efficiency, renewable resources, water conservation, and waste minimization.
P. Wave power, ocean thermal energy conversion, and tidal power.
Q. An issue implying that all technologies are available to and used by all socioeconomic segments in a
R. 7 percent.
S. Energy supplied from the organic materials.
T. They have the unique property of being able to turn sunlight directly into electric current.
U. The movement of middle and upper class people living in the suburbs into town, where they typically purchase or rent space in what are called infill developments.
V. United States.
W. Biomass, Hydropower, Geothermal, Wind, Ocean, PV Cells, and Thermal Solar Power.
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