Thursday, 8 March 2018Human Resource Management AssignmentTo what extent can the process of employee selection be described as rational andobjective? Support your arguments with evidence from the academic literature onselection.A Table of ContentsThis is the brief instruction for the essay. The question is shown above.Please take a look at the Powerpoint Slide which you can find as “Human ResourceManagement Lecture Slide “Recruitment and Selection”” in the folder I uploaded.WITH THIS IN MIND, I would like you to answer the question statement above but pleasedo not copy any sentences from slides as they are just summaries of textbooks and onlinesources.Here is the conditions for the essay:THERE ARE A LOT OF CONDITIONS BUT PLEASE PLEASE MENTION THOSEBELOW IN THE ESSAY– 2000 words at maximum, excluding reference lists– At least 7 physical books related to Human resource Management about EmployeeSelection– Minimum 10 online sources related to Human resource Management about EmployeeSelection; if you scroll down the pages, you will see the number section where you canfind more links. Please use Harvard Business Review and https://www.peoplemanagement.co.uk which you can find a lot below. And use other onlinesources that are relevant as the official essay (not like wikipedia or some articles that donot include authors or that are not known as a business websites)– Be specific about the topic: rational and objective using Academic Literature to supportarguments– With those slides mind, please use PLENTY of theories (that are relevant and known asprofessional) to support the essay1Thursday, 8 March 2018– Please divide employee selection into some levels; the example is shown below• A standard hiring regimen: Recruitersi) Start by reviewing résumésii) Move on to phone or face-to-face interviews with the most promising candidatesiii) Draw on various tests, often including psychometric tests, to determine whichapplicants are the best fit‣ You can see more details about above in ‘the number 14 section’ which you can find belowin this PDF. By dividing employee selection into some parts, I would like you to analyseeach stage in terms of conducting selection process rationally and objectively withappropriate theories.‣ I left some articles below about how to tackle the selection process at the digital era. Someof their articles show the cost reduction which can be mentioned in this essay but pleasefocus on the rational and objective perspective and how these concepts are applied at thedigital era using new methods for employee selection and what disadvantages lie in termsof rational and objective view (perhaps what can be subjective and biased and how theycan be improved) PLEASE MENTION HOW SELECTION PROCESS IS CHANGINGIN THIS MODERN AGE AND HOW THEY ARE RELATED TO RATIONAL ANDOBJECTIVE CONCEPTS IN SELECTION‣ In the introduction, please mention the thesis statement that focuses on the study of rationaland objective in employee selection and what kind of areas of literature review the reportexamines in order to tackle this question statement, by rephrasing words‣ There are lots of statistics that support this essay, some of which I found and left in thenumber section. Please use those. I left the link as well so you may find more.‣ I left some notes for each number section but they are NOT ALL mentioned. Please go toeach link for further analytics.‣ USE OF CASE STUDIES ARE CRUCIAL POINTS; THERE ARE SOME EXAMPLESIN THE NUMBER SELECTION AND PLEASE USE MORE OF EXAMPLES – BOTHSIDES OF SUCCESS AND FAILURE IN EMPLOYEE SELECTION AND ANALYSETHEM WITH ‘THEORIES’‣ USE OF THEORIES are the MOST important aspects; it would be very very muchappreciated if you could use the relevant ones… and please stick to the question statements2Thursday, 8 March 2018These are the books you may find it useful. You do not have to use all but please take a lookat their Human resource Management Section.Books:– “Management Theory and Practice” by G. A. Cole– “NEW ERA OF Management” by Richard L. Daft– “The Effective Manager: Perspectives and Illustrations” by Jon Billsberry– “A framework for Management” by Gary DesslerBooks (that can be found online):– “The Hiring Process: Recruiting, Interviewing, and Selecting the Best Employees”‣ https://www.extension.purdue.edu/extmedia/PPP/PPP-69.pdf– “Recruitment and Selection: Hiring the Right Person”‣ https://www.shrm.org/academicinitiatives/universities/TeachingResources/Documents/Recruitment%20and%20Selection%20IM.pdfTHE NUMBER SELECTIONSTHESE ARE NUMBER SECTIONS THAT I WOULD LIKE YOU TO MENTION. NOTALL HAS TO BE MENTIONED BUT PLEASE USE THESE MATERIALS. SOURCESCOME FROM HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW AND HTTPS://WWW.PEOPLEMANAGEMENT.COM . PLEASE COMBINE SOME OTHER BOOKS/ARTICLES/LITERATURE REVIEWS THAT YOU FOUND AND ANALYSE THEM.3Thursday, 8 March 20181. Two things to avoid: adverse impact and bias‣ https://www.peoplemanagement.co.uk/voices/comment/unconscious-bias-recruitersmindsets• Conformity bias• Halo/horns effect• Affinity and similarity bias• Contrast effect• Beauty bias• Conformity bias #22. High-quality talent is hard to come by; HR directors need to make a fast decisionwhen there are two equally qualified candidates competing for the same role.‣ https://www.peoplemanagement.co.uk/experts/advice/choose-between-candidates• Research from Robert Half shows that 92% of HR directors are finding challengingto source skilled professionals• Robert Half research into happiness at work found that employees who feel theyhave good relationships with teammates are 2.7 times more likely to be happy on thejob‣ Robert Half research 2018 Salary Guide: https://www.roberthalf.co.uk/sites/roberthalf.co.uk/files/documents/roberthalf-united-kingdom-salary-guide-2018.pdf?elqTrackId=91ef1b88037a4be3b836848ceb070de1&elq=dcc52243c83b4b9092b68c88868abde3&elqaid=39987&elqat=1&elqCampaignId=‣ Extra about US: https://www.roberthalf.com/blog/evaluating-job-candidates/how-tochoose-between-two-strong-job-candidates3. Rethink the CV for the digital age‣ https://www.peoplemanagement.co.uk/voices/comment/time-rethink-cv-digital-age4. Case Study: Is it acceptable to hire your sister?4Thursday, 8 March 2018‣ https://www.peoplemanagement.co.uk/experts/advice/fixer-acceptable-to-hire-sister5. Recruitment by AI‣ https://www.peoplemanagement.co.uk/long-reads/articles/recruiting-algorithms‣ Advantages• Within those categories there lie multiple possibilities.• Algorithms can write job descriptions that eliminate any form of biased language andremove all trace of protected characteristics from applications.• Services such as HireVue can minutely track facial expressions in video interviews tomake judgements on suitability based on body language and tone of voice.• Chatbots can take over frontline conversations with candidates.• ‘Data mining algorithms’ can search social media postings for context that mightsupport an application (often without an individual’s permission, which has led tolegal action in the US).• There are reasons to suspect the market will accelerate – principally, that technology’sbiggest beasts are now showing an interest. Google’s Hire is a new cloud-basedapplicant tracking system that complements the Google for Jobs search engine.LinkedIn is integrating with the Outlook email platform and Microsoft has introduceda Resume Assistant to try to standardise CV data and job descriptions• The opportunity for Silicon Valley is not just that recruitment is big business – £35bnper year in the UK alone, says the Recruitment & Employment Confederation (REC)– but that not even the most generous scientist would attempt to defend the hugelysubjective way most of us hire.• “Most interviews are a waste of time because 99.4 per cent of the time is spent tryingto confirm whatever impression the interviewer formed in the first 10 seconds,”Laszlo Bock, former Google HR chief, has said. That’s probably an underestimate.We construct narratives to justify and support our snap decisions, we value anecdotalrecommendations above hard data and we consistently fail to scrutinise candidates’claims.• “In the last five or 10 years, we have been rebranding HR as people analytics in anattempt to make it more evidence-based. But if you look at what most firms do around5Thursday, 8 March 2018talent acquisition, they hold an interview and make a decision off the back of that. It’snot objective.”• AI cannot force us to admit our fallibility, but it can introduce some objectivity intoproceedings. It does this more easily in some settings – particularly graduate andvolume recruitment, and knowledge or tech work – than others. But to its adherents, itis a powerful tool. Unilever has been the Trojan Horse of AI recruitment, puttingaround 250,000 candidates globally through a system involving gamifiedpsychometric testing followed by an analysed video interview and an algorithmdrivenselection process. The company’s HR team is “overjoyed” with the results.‣ Disadvantages• But there are, undoubtedly, issues to be ironed out. Most pressingly, there is noirrefutable proof that AI delivers better hires in the long term. As David D’Souza, theCIPD’s head of London, says: “It’s increasingly easy to measure speed of hire. Butgenuinely understanding that, of all the candidates out there, you’ve got the bestperson for the job in terms of fit and potential, is an impossible task.”• Unilever has impressive metrics – £1m in ROI in the first few months of its newrecruitment systems; 80 per cent of AI-suggested candidates judged ‘good hires’; the‘most diverse’ group of recruits it has ever seen – but others have found that some AIdrivensystems are left wanting in terms of candidate experience or understanding ofmore niche roles.• See more in the following the link above6. Overlooking people’s natural talents‣ https://www.peoplemanagement.co.uk/voices/comment/employers-overlook-naturaltalents• The strengths-based approach• Be clear about what you mean by high performance. An effective appraisal processshould help managers evaluate employee performance based on objective measures –not a subjective evaluation of behaviours that may or may not have an impact onperformance7. Putting data at the heart of the recruitment process6Thursday, 8 March 2018‣ https://www.peoplemanagement.co.uk/voices/comment/data-heart-recruitment-process• Ditch CVs and take a more scientific approach in order to help employees avoidcostly bad hires• HR and talent acquisition – and the business as a whole – are most likely to beunsuccessful, as almost 50 per cent of new hires are likely to fail within 18 months.‣ http://www.businessinsider.com/hiring-tips-geoff-smart-2011-12?IR=T• when a recruitment exercise starts with screening CVs, false assumptions, hunchesand bias will inevitably shape results for the worse.• A CarrerBuilder study shows that 46% of candidates exaggerated their ability or theextent of their experience‣ https://www.careerbuilder.co.uk/share/aboutus/pressreleasesdetail.aspx?sd=8%2F7%2F2014&id=pr837&ed=12%2F31%2F2014• Survey by First Advantage shows that 37% of CVs submitted to technologycompanies had inaccuracies – a full 10% higher than the national average. Worse still,almost 27% of those inaccuracies were considered to so serious that they were a majorcause for concern.‣ http://www.computerweekly.com/news/2240233172/Inaccuracies-revealed-intechnology-candidates-CVs• LinkedIn’s Global Recruiting Trends survey shows that 67% of businesses aren’tdoing a good job of understanding quality of hire. Take a more scientific approach torecruitment process design. Dispense with the CV. Look for areas where data can takethe place of ‘instinct’ or ‘gut’ decisions.‣ https://business.linkedin.com/content/dam/business/talent-solutions/global/en_us/c/pdfs/GRT16_GlobalRecruiting_100815.pdf8. The Case study of CVs fraud and how organisations tackle those issues‣ https://www.peoplemanagement.co.uk/news/articles/employers-verify-candidates-cv• Jayne Rowley, chief executive of Higher Education Degree Datacheck (HEDD) – asecure, government-run online portal which verifies the degree qualifications of UKgraduates – said most employers ask candidates to supply documents, but many donot take the time to verify them.• Research by the Risk Advisory Group found that 38 per cent of the CVs it analysedfrom 25-32 year-olds had been falsified, while a poll of 400 people carried out by HR7Thursday, 8 March 2018and administration recruitment specialists OfficeTeam said the most popular areas fordishonest information or exaggerated claims were work experience (58 per cent),education or qualifications (41 per cent), technical skills (40 per cent) and dutiesperformed in previous employment (30 per cent).• Rowley said the fake degree industry could only survive because employers werefailing to undertake due diligence. Employers can quickly verify whether a certificateis authentic by using the HEDD website, which works with 100 of the UK’s 167universities. It is also possible to use a professional screening agency, and somerecruitment consultants will verify applicants before putting them forward for a job,or once a job offer is made.9. Organisations should pay attention to tech industry trends‣ https://www.peoplemanagement.co.uk/voices/comment/organisations-pay-attentiontech-trends
• Seems useless but take a look at it if you have time10. CognitionX, a community and market intelligence platform specialising in AI‣ https://www.peoplemanagement.co.uk/experts/advice/become-expert-ai-hr-recruitment• Unilever reduced its time to hire by 90 per cent and achieved its most diversegraduate intake ever.• Vodafone is getting through its hiring processes in hours when it used to take a week.11. Chatbots and career pages are the future of hiring‣ https://www.peoplemanagement.co.uk/news/articles/chatbots-career-pages-future-hiring• Technology and the need for a human touch dominate agenda at The RecruitmentConference 2017• Take a look at it later12. Criminal record should be sealed from employers8Thursday, 8 March 2018‣ https://www.peoplemanagement.co.uk/news/articles/criminal-records-sealed-fromemployers-mp-suggests
• The Lammy review – which was led by David Lammy, Labour MP for Tottenhamand chair of the all party parliamentary group on race and community, andcommissioned by then prime minister David Cameron in January 2016 – examinedhow black, asian and minority ethnic individuals are being treated by the criminaljustice system.• Take a look at it later if you have time13. The Case Study: Employees criticised for treating recruitment as a ‘tick box’exercise‣ https://www.peoplemanagement.co.uk/news/articles/recruitment-tick-box-exercise• UK businesses have failed to update their recruitment processes to reflect the modernjobs market, despite increased investment in services such as screening, a new reporthas found.• The number of standard and enhanced background checks carried out between April2014 and January 2016 increased by 80 per cent and 27 per cent respectively,according to new data from Complete Background Screening (CBS). But it warnedthat many organisations were simply using screening as a compliance measure, ratherthan as part of genuine investment in recruitment.• The lack of feedback in recruitment: Charlie Taylor, chief executive of graduatecareers app Debut and founder of the Fight for Feedback campaign, said consistentfeedback was “crucial” to motivating jobseekers, improving the recruitment processand boosting the labour market. Earlier this year, a survey of 1,000 18 to 23-year-oldsby Debut found that 83 per cent of jobseekers who attended a face-to-face interviewdid not received feedback from the employer, despite 77 per cent believing it shouldbe a legal requireme14. The test-first approach – cost reduction‣ https://hbr.org/2013/11/when-hiring-first-test-and-then-interview• A standard hiring regimen: Recruitersi) Start by reviewing résumés9Thursday, 8 March 2018ii) Move on to phone or face-to-face interviews with the most promising candidatesiii) Draw on various tests, often including psychometric tests, to determine whichapplicants are the best fit‣ Their research suggests that this approach is backward• Utilise short, web-based psychometric tests as the first screening step‣ Effectively weed out the least-suitable applicants, leaving a smaller, better-qualifiedpool to undergo the more costly personalised aspects of the process• There are some statistics to support their arguments – Take a look at them15. A scorecard for making better hiring decisions‣ https://hbr.org/2016/02/a-scorecard-for-making-better-hiring-decisions• People are biased, emotional, and inconsistent when interviewing and as a result,decades of industrial psychology research has found, the validity or predictive powerof a typical unstructured job interview is around 20%, meaning that only one in fiveinterviews increases the baseline odds that a hired candidate will be successful.• Detection Theory – NEED to understand – NO NEED to do it if busy• Interview Scorecard – refer to the photo in the following link above16. Automate Hiring‣ https://hbr.org/2013/12/we-can-now-automate-hiring-is-that-good• It has been given a push by five years of relentless cost-cutting. Unfortunately, theemphasis on cost-cutting has shifted managers’ attention away from the value theyshould be creating from these new latest hiring practices—and this is where the futureof hiring lies.17. How to hire‣ https://hbr.org/2018/01/how-to-hire• Take a look at it unless busy10Thursday, 8 March 2018‣11
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