What is Strategic Management

1. Look at the weekly topics in our syllabus for MGMT 6321. We are reading from Economic Journals, Management Journals, Strategic Management Journals, and Sociological Journals. After reading “What is Strategic Management, Really?”, discuss how the assigned articles and the weekly topics fit with the definition of Strategic Management. It might be helpful to review any information tables that the authors include. Be very specific and comprehensive. Your answer should be no less than 400 words and written with transitions and flow. (Write it well!)
2. If strategic management is the macro view of organizations, stemming from the CEO’s point of view, does it make sense that the influences would be far reaching in academic research. Your answer should be no less than 150 words.
3. Strategic Management is a relatively young field of study and has been influenced by a plethora of managment theories and points of view. Notice that the outline of the course includes several of these theories. Pick 3 different theories that were addressed and discuss their relevance to strategic management. Be specific. Your answer should be no less than 500 words.

Sources: Porter, Micheal.1996. What is Strategy? Harvard Business Review. 74,61

Nag, Rajiv, Hambrick, Donald and Chen, Ming-her. 2007.What is strategic management, really? Strategic Management Journal, 28,935-955

Guerra-Martin, L.A., Madhok, A., & Montoro-Sanchez, A. (2014). The evolution of strategic management research: Recent trends and current directions. Business Research Quarterly, 17 (2), 69-76.

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