201630 intro: international business geb-1350-31598 test exam #1


Exam #1

Question 1
0.475 out of 0.475 points



The computers that decide how best to forward each packet from one network to another are called _____.


Question 2

0.475 out of 0.475 points



The early versions of _____ let Web page designers create text-based electronic documents with headings, title bar titles, bullets, lines, and ordered lists.


Question 3

0.475 out of 0.475 points



A(n) _____ is a set of processes that combine to achieve a company’s primary goal, which is typically to yield a profit.


Question 4

0.475 out of 0.475 points



_____ is a primary activity undertaken by an organization’s strategic business unit.


Question 5

0.475 out of 0.475 points



In the _____ approach, firms prepare advertising and promotional materials about the firm and its products or services and broadcast them to potential customers.


Question 6

0.475 out of 0.475 points



According to Porter, _____ describes the larger stream of activities into which a particular business unit’s value chain is embedded.


Question 7

0.475 out of 0.475 points



_____ offers a variety of information services for lawyers and law enforcement officials, court cases, public records, and resources for law libraries.


Question 8

0.475 out of 0.475 points



The practice of an existing firm replacing one or more of its supplier markets with its own hierarchical structure for creating the supplied product is called _____.


Question 9

0.475 out of 0.475 points



A(n) _____ has a hypertext reference (HREF) property, which specifies the remote or local document’s address.


Question 10

0.475 out of 0.475 points



Electronic funds transfers are also called _____.


Question 11

0.475 out of 0.475 points



Companies using _____ revenue model charge a fee based on the value of the service provided on the Web.


Question 12

0.475 out of 0.475 points



The 32-bit number used to identify computers connected to the Internet is known as the _____.


Question 13

0.475 out of 0.475 points



A newer e-mail protocol that performs the same basic functions as POP, but includes additional features, is known as _____.


Question 14

0.475 out of 0.475 points



The programs on gateway computers that determine the best path on which to send each packet contain rules called _____.


Question 15

0.475 out of 0.475 points



In SWOT analysis, the question “Are industry trends moving upward?” involves identifying the _____ of an organization. 


Question 16

0.475 out of 0.475 points



_____ creates a private passageway through the public Internet that provides secure transmission from one computer to another.


Question 17

0.475 out of 0.475 points



Strategic partnerships occurring between or among companies operating on the Internet are called _____.


Question 18

0.475 out of 0.475 points



_____ is the testing and evaluation of a site by its owner to ensure ease of use for site visitors.


Question 19

0.475 out of 0.475 points



In the context of professional services using a fee-for-service revenue model, _____ was a pioneer in offering online therapy to patients in the United States.


Question 20

0.475 out of 0.475 points



SWOT is the acronym for _____.


Question 21

0.475 out of 0.475 points



In a(n)_____, companies coordinate their strategies, resources, and skill sets by forming long-term, stable relationships with other companies and individuals based on shared purposes.


Question 22

0.475 out of 0.475 points



In subnetting, a computer called a _____ device converts private IP addresses into normal IP addresses when it forwards packets from those computers to the Internet.


Question 23

0.475 out of 0.475 points



_____ determine how a sending device indicates that it has finished sending a message and how the receiving device indicates that it has received the message.


Question 24

0.475 out of 0.475 points



_____ can be a better way to sell items that rely on personal selling skills.


Question 25

0.475 out of 0.475 points



A(n) _____ service provides an electronic version of an invoice with all of the details that would appear in the printed document.


Question 26

0.475 out of 0.475 points



A(n) _____ is an independent firm that offers connection and transaction-forwarding services to buyers and sellers engaged in electronic data interchange.


Question 27

0.475 out of 0.475 points



_____ are sets of words that are assigned to specific IP addresses.


Question 28

0.475 out of 0.475 points



Many clothing Web sites offer virtual models on which customers can try clothes, such services are referred to as virtual _____.


Question 29

0.475 out of 0.475 points



_____ are the total of all costs that a buyer and a seller incur as they gather information and negotiate a purchase-and-sale transaction.


Question 30

0.475 out of 0.475 points



Banks use _____, which are electronic transmissions of account exchange information over private communications’ networks.


Question 31

0.475 out of 0.475 points



An approach where free content is available up to a point at which fees begin, is called a _____.


Question 32

0.475 out of 0.475 points



A _____ structure resembles an inverted tree in which the root is at the top and the branches are below it.


Question 33

0.475 out of 0.475 points



Personal contact and mass media approaches are often called _____.


Question 34

0.475 out of 0.475 points



_____ is the use of interpersonal connections online to promote or sell goods and services.


Question 35

0.475 out of 0.475 points



According to Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon.com, the _____ refers to markets that are too small to justify a mass media campaign, yet too large to cover using personal contact.


Question 36

0.475 out of 0.475 points



_____ are advertising efforts directed to a known recipient and include mail, telephone calls, and e-mail.


Question 37

0.475 out of 0.475 points



IPv6 uses a _____ number for addresses.


Question 38

0.475 out of 0.475 points



The group of logical, related, and sequential activities and transactions in which businesses engage are often collectively referred to as _____.


Question 39

0.475 out of 0.475 points



A _____ is a way of organizing the activities that each strategic business unit undertakes to design, produce, promote, market, deliver, and support the products or services it sells.


Question 40

0.475 out of 0.475 points



_____ tend to have large up-front costs. Once those costs are incurred, additional units can be made at very low additional cost.


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