Complete The Following Question With A Complete Sentances Base On Documents Qest

Complete the following question with a complete sentances. Base on documents qestions
What was at the heart of the Republican aruments in the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions?
Thomas Jefferson wrote the Kentucky Resolution. Why as this unsusual?
What role does Chief Justice Marshall hope the Supreme Court adopts in regards to the U.S. Constitution?
Why was it important that the Chief Justice should be seen as speaking for all the members of the Supreme Court on this issue?
In this excerpt, Lewis asserts that he and Clark “communicated to them fully the objects which had brought us into this distant part of the country.” What messages did they attempt to convey to the Shoshone concerning the nature of their mission? How did they portray their country and its government? How do you think the Shoshone received these messages?
How would you characterize Lewis’s attitude toward the Shoshone?
What event did Black Hawk describe as “the origin of all our difficulties”?
What were Black Hawk’s initial impressions of the first Americans he encountered? Based on this account, could you have predicted his future conflicts with the United States?
Does this excerpt present an essentially positive or negative portrait of the Lowell factory system? Explain your answer.
According to the excerpt, what resting period makes the balance of the working week endurable?
Does the lifestyle of Lowell more clearly benefits the workers or the factory owners?
According to Coffin, what precautions or tactics did the Coffins employ to conceal fugitive slaves?
why did Coffin feel that he and his wife were successful conductors on the Underground Railroad?
How did Coffin describe the plight of the fugitive slaves who fled to Cincinnati?
What were Greeley’s major arguments in support of constructing a Pacific railroad?
Greeley asserted that constructing a Pacific railroad would  contribute more to the nation’s prosperity “the would the acquisition of a dozen Cubas.” What is the significance of this observation, especially considering the year in which Greeley composed this piece?
Why did Douglass draw on both the Bible and the U.S. Constitution to make his arguments?
In 1852, Frederick Douglass pointed out that the promise of American democracy remained unfulfilled. Has this promise since been fulfilled? Why or why not?
What presumptions do you think underley Calhoun’s thinking?
Judging by this document, was it likely that a peaceful solution could have been found to the nation’s sectinal crisis in the 1850s, or was war inevitable?
What was the Purpose of the establishment of a Confederation according to Jefferson Davis?
How effective is Davis’ justification for secession? Expain thoroughly.
What is Davis’ belief regarding the issue of slavery?
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