Accounting course

Assignment 1 “2 pages” due at 3pm 24th March

EQUIRED TEXT: Survey of Accounting 5e (2018). Edmonds, Edmonds, Olds, McNair, Tsay. McGraw-Hill.

ABC approach to discussion responses:
1. Acknowledge peer’s answer
2. Build upon peer post by providing additional details/statistics/ideas/perspectives, or links/references to relevant resources
3. Conclude with a question or new idea that will encourage further discussion.

Initial Post (Your answers): 15 pts
Critical thinking [0-5 pts] Discussion of ideas with intellect (beyond just recitation of facts from text)
Application [0-5 pts] Relating theory to practice in meaningful way
Accuracy [0-5 pts] Validity of answer
Responses to Peers (2): 5 pts
Substance [0 – 2.5 pts] Thoughtful, reflective, respectful of peer viewpoint
Augmentation [0 – 2.5 pts] Providing additional relevant information or new idea to stimulate further discussion (using ABC approach)

Module 1:

Review the most recent annual report for the organization for which you work or would like to work and discuss the following (Recommended: if you choose a manufacturing company for this assignment, you can continue to use it for discussion assignments over the entire eight weeks):
Identify key stakeholders and explain how each would rely on financial statements in their decision making.
1. Review the balance sheet and discuss an element that would of most interest to each key stakeholder and explain.
2. Review the income statement and discuss the section of the income statement that would be of most interest to each key stakeholder and explain.
3. Provide details an item in each category (Operating, Financing, Investing) on the Statement of Cash Flows.
4. You will find the notes and disclosures in the annual report to provide a high level of detail.
5. We will work from you a manufacturing company of choice throughout the term. Annual reports can be found via google or in the investor relation section of the organization’s website. Publicly traded companies are required by the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) to file and to publish annual reports (10K).


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