Angry birds | Financial markets homework help

1. The Angry Birds game is a type of innovation. a. Identify whether it is a continuous, dynamically continuous, or discontinuous innovation. b. Conduct an innovation analysis of Angry Birds using Table 7–2 as the basis (for the purposes of analysis, focus on consumers who already use mobile apps).
2. Rovio is engaging in cause-related marketing by teaming up with BirdLife International, a nonprofit organization. How well does this cause “fit” Angry Birds? Discuss the impact that this cause-related marketing partnership could have for Angry Birds.
3. Examine the four cause-related marketing (CRM) consumer segments in Chapter 3. Detail each segment’s likely response to the CRM partnership that Angry Birds has with BirdLife International.
4. Angry Birds and many other apps are available in numerous countries. What are some factors that app designers should consider when entering into a foreign market?
5. Angry Birds is appealing to young children because of its simplicity and cartoonish quality. Clearly, children are one of the market segments that Angry Birds is targeting. It is involved in, or is planning, such initiatives as clothing, toys, and Angry Birds Happy Meals. Chapter 6 discusses marketing to children
and the consumer socialization process. What ethical concerns should Rovio consider when marketing to children?
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6. Angry Birds has been widely popular among Americans. What American values discussed in Chapter 3 help explain why Angry Birds is appealing to such a large audience. Defend your answer.

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