
  Review the following case study and complete the questions that follow. For this assignment, write your responses to each question as one narrative rather than separating your responses by question number. Include an introduction and a conclusion. Submit your answers using APA format, well-written sentences, and detailed explanations. Your analysis must be scientifically sound, necessary, and sufficient. Paper must be a minimum of 8 pages, plus references and title page.

You must also include a bibliography of at least 3 sources (with at least one non Internet source). Your textbook may not be included as a source for this assignment. Refer to the rubric for more information on how your assignment will be graded.

Case Study

M.K. is a 45-year-old female, measuring 5’5” and weighs 225 lbs. M.K. has a history of smoking about 22 years along with a poor diet. She has a history of Type II diabetes mellitus along with primary hypertension. M.K. has recently been diagnosed with chronic bronchitis. Her current symptoms include chronic cough, more severe in the mornings with sputum, light-headedness, distended neck veins, excessive peripheral edema, and increase urination at night. Her current medications include Lotensin and Lasix for the hypertension along with Glucophage for the Type II diabetes mellitus.

The following are lab findings that are pertinent to this case:



158/98 mm Hg




Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c)

7.3 %

Arterial Blood Gas Assessment


52 mm Hg


48 mm Hg

Lipid Panel


242 mg/dL


32 mg/dL


173 mg/dL


1000 mg/dL What clinical findings correlate with M.K.’s chronic bronchitis? What type of treatment and recommendations would be appropriate for M.K.’s chronic bronchitis?   Which type of heart failure would you suspect with M.K.? Explain the pathogenesis of how this type of heart failure develops. 
According to the American Heart Association 2017 new guidelines, and M.K.’s B.P. value, what stage of hypertension is she experiencing? Explain the rationale for her current medications for her hypertension. Also, discuss the impact of this disease in the U.S. population. 
According to the lipid panel, what other condition is M.K. at risk for? According to this case study, what other medications should be given and why? What additional findings correlate for both hypertension and Type II diabetes mellitus? 
Interpret the lab value for HbA1c and explain the rationale for this value in relation to normal/abnormal body function? 

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Assignment 1: Discussion Each stakeholder in the selection proces

Assignment 1: Discussion

By Saturday, June 29, 2013, respond to the assigned Discussion Question. Submit your responses to the appropriate Discussion Area. Start reviewing and responding to your classmates as early in the module as possible.



For assistance with any problems you may have when completing this assignment—OR—to offer your assistance to classmates, please use the Problems and Solutions Discussion area located through the left side navigation link.  

    Use the Respond link to post responses and materials that pertain to this assignment. Use the Respond link beneath any existing postings to respond to them.

 Discussion Question

Each stakeholder in the selection process – line managers, coworkers, and applicants – has distinctly different needs, desires, and goals for selection.  Discuss whether each stakeholder’s needs, desires, and goals for selection should be equally weighted.  Explain why or why not giving specific examples to support your response. Refer to Chapter 3 for information on the selection process.

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In sociology I have to read a newsletter about the sandy book and the public response. What method is best…

In sociology I have to read a newsletter about the sandy book and the public response. What method is best used quantitive or qualitative and why?how might u obtain a sample? What commonly held beliefs might be debunked by careful research?

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Leadership Role for Strategic Planning

Essay: Include an abstract

Leadership Role for Strategic Planning -Essay

For this assignment, you should focus on the reading material for week #7.

The breakdown of your paper should be as follows:

Abstract: Include an abstract in this paper.

Introduction: Overview what you will discuss

Goal: Paper will show me how you are able to apply our reading material for week #7.

Body of your paper: (2 Pages total body/content – in length)-Your thoughts should be supported with key terms from our text AND library research.

Pick five of the the leadership tasks that are listed on page 357 of our text. Tell me why each task is important to understand as a leader that is involved with the strategic planning process. Explain what each process means and what is involved with the five that you picked. For clarification, these are the interconnected leadership taks that are listed on page 357 of our text:

1)Understanding the context

2)Understanding the people involved, including oneself

3)Sponsoring Process

4)Championing the process

5)Facilitating the process

6)Fostering collective leadership

7)Using dialogue and discussion

8)Making and implementing policy decisions

9)Enforcing norms, settling disputes, and managing residual conflict

10) Pulling it all together

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Multiple Regression in SPSS results with 1 paragraph & 2 page Article Critique

Due 12/8 7 p.m EST

Be on time & ORIGINAL WORK!

Please read carefully, KNOW SPSS

DATA attached for assignment 1 (Attached 2 in case one doesn’t open)

Assignment 2 pages not including title & ref min 3 APA

  Based on the dataset (ATTACHED ANXIETY), construct a research question that can be answered with a multiple regression analysis.

Write a 1page analysis of your multiple regression results for each research question. In your analysis, display the data for the output. Based on your results, provide an explanation of what the implications of social change might be.

  Note from professor: What parts of the regression output do I need to see? I prefer to see the following pieces: (1) the syntax, which is printed in the Output window above the output of the procedure you ran (in this case, above the word Regression, (2) the Model Summary, (3) the ANOVA table, and the (4) Coefficients. You can include them in a Word document by right clicking on the item in the Output window, which puts it into the Clipboard, which then allows you to paste the item into Word. 

Assignment 2   Article Critique (Multiple Regression)


The practice of quantitative research not only involves statistical calculations and formulas but also involves the understanding of statistical techniques related to real-world applications. You might not become a quantitative researcher nor use statistical methods in your profession but as a consumer, citizen, and scholar-practitioner, it will be important for you to become a critical consumer of research, which will empower you to read, interpret, and evaluate the strength of claims made in scholarly material and daily news.

For this Assignment, you will critically evaluate a scholarly article related to multiple regression. Article Critique (Multiple Regression)

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HA425 Unit 7 Discussion

Discussion should be at least 250 words and responses should be at least 100 words.

Post your answer to the following topics. Be thoughtful, creative, and work to advance the Discussion. On two separate paragraph give your opinio to  Tanyka Timmons and Monique Sims. With a total of two pages 

Topic 1:  Describe how marketing can be used with health care CQI. Define the business case for quality. Explain how performance targets could be set.Tanyka Timmons 

Tanyka Timmons

Hello Professor and classmates I pray everyone had a blessed and prosperous week!

Marketing as defined by (AMA, 2017) is the activity, set of institutions and processes for creating, communicating, delivering and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners and society at large. I view this as visual and vocal representation of people places or things. In healthcare marketing is vital to the continual improvement process (CQI) because it is the tool that enhances the customer perspective of experience, adds value to an organization’s services and grows the organization  into a successful future. Healthcare marketing gives patients insight to continual improvement efforts like updated equipment, remodeled departments, new facilities and increased access.

A business case for healthcare quality improvement intervention exists if the organization realizes a financial return on the investment required for the intervention in a reasonable time frame using a reasonable rate of discounting. This return may be in the form of profits, reduction in losses, or avoided costs. A business case may also exist if the organization believes that a positive indirect effect on its function and sustainability will accrue within a reasonable time frame (Sadeghi, S., Mikhail, O., Barzi, A., Shabot, M.M 2013).

Performance targets could be set by utilizing the SWOT analysis the identification of strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats; this analysis will prevent overreaching that will cause disappointment, frustration and setting too modest of targets causing the organization to fall short of its potential (Sadeghi, S., Mikhail, O., Barzi, A., Shabot, M.M 2013)

American Marketing Association (AMA) (2017). Definition of Marketing. Retrieved from URL https://www.ama.org/AboutAMA/Pages/Definition-of-Marketing.aspx

Sadeghi, S., Mikhail, O., Barzi, A., Shabot, M.M (2013). Integrating Quality and Strategy in Health Care Organizations; 13th Ed. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning

  Monique Sims 

Hello Professor and classmates,

Continuous Quality Improvement is a philosophy that encourages all health care team members to continuously try to provide the best treatment by asking their patients “How are they doing?” and “What could we do to make it Better?” (NLC, 2013).  The best way to market CQI or anything today will be social media.   It is the cheapest and most effective way to reach the mass population of people.  People would also be able to post on the company social media account leaving reviews that maybe negative or positive. Not only does that give the people the opportunity to get a feel for the organization, it also give the organization the opportunity to e able to communicate with current and potential consumers. 

The business case for quality is designed for developing a business case for quality enhancing inventions in healthcare.  There are 11 steps that are used to help you:  (1) describing the intervention, (2) determining perspective, (3) identifying the effects of the intervention on quality, (4) designing the study, (5) identifying and measuring cash flows, (6) considering the effects of capacity constraints, (7) selecting a measure of return on investment, (8) determining the time horizon for the analysis, (9) determining the discount rate, (10) adjusting costs and savings for inflation, and (11) determining organizational readiness for business case development. A checklist offers guidance on assessing readiness for the business case.  (Reiter ‘et al”, 2006)

Performance targets is nothing more than setting reasonable and obtainable goals and support top level targets with lower level targets by making targets fun.  The object is to give yourself motivation to achieve you goal and to continue striving.  (Matt, 2018)


National Learning Consortium (NLC)(2013).  Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Strategies to Optimize your Practice.  https://www.healthit.gov/sites/default/files/tools/nlc_continuousqualityimprovementprimer.pdf

Reiter, K.L; Kilpatrick, K.E; Greene, S.B; “et al” ( 2006).  How to develop a business case for quality.  https://academic.oup.com/intqhc/article/19/1/50/1858930

Matt, B. (2018).  How to Set Performance Targets That Work.  https://www.bernardmarr.com/default.asp?contentID=1013


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 Respond to the question “Can Terrorism Ever Be Justified?” In your response, carefully avoid the pitfalls of the unreflective thinker and the challenged thinker—support your argument with facts and evidence and in light of at least one of the ethics theories.

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Discussion Question – Blackbody Radiation

Do not request to do the assignment unless you have experiment writing science assignments. Please follow the instructions below. Only a couple of paragraphs needed.


Study Question Title:   Blackbody Radiation
Lesson 3 – Chapter 4 In Quest of the Universe

Attribute spectral observations to the properties of light.

Follow the instructions for the assignment and turn in your response to the instructor as directed.
Cite MLA any online references or local sources (newspaper, online journal, reference book, etc.) you have used in your research and your response.

Study Question Instructions:
Explain blackbody radiation, using examples.
Using the textbook and the internet, research blackbody radiation.

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Due in 24 hours- APA format- religions: Islam and Judaism

Assignment 2: Analyzing Religions

The US culture has a broad spectrum of religious affiliations and religiosity. As a result of interacting with people who share similarities, people seldom evaluate the main premises of other religions. This assignment will give you the opportunity to explore two religions that are new to you.

Using Argosy University online library resources, identify and researchTwo religions which are unfamiliar to you.Select two peer-reviewed academic resources on these selected religions.

Based on your research, complete the following:Compare and contrast these religions from an anthropological perspective.Describe the history of the religion. Be sure to include the following:When and how it was first foundedDetails of initial leaders of the movement and spread of the religionExplain the main principles of each religion’s belief systems, the religious texts—if utilized—and the significant practices.Examine the role religious leaders have in these religions as well as the roles devotees or followers play.Describe how the religions view at least three varying social norms or cultural issues.Examine how these two religions coexist in a globalized world.

Support your statements with examples. Be sure to include a list of scholarly references.

Write a 3–4-page paper in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M4_A2.doc.

By Wednesday, June 3, 2015 , deliver your assignment to the M4: Assignment 2 Dropbox.Assignment 2 Grading Criteria Maximum Points Compared and contrasted two world religions from an anthropological perspective and provided well-researched information on their histories, main principles, and practices.36Evaluated these two religions in the context of a globalized world and included a detailed explanation of their varying social norms and cultural issues.32Supported your statements with relevant examples and additional scholarly references.12Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.20Total: 100

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Public health practice

Public health practice was initially concerned with infectious and environmentally related diseases, but in recent years has evolved to focus more on injury prevention, substance abuse, violence, tobacco-related, and other chronic diseases. Present at least one pivotal legal and historical occurrence that resulted in this shift of public health effort. Justify your rationale with supportive evidence.

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