Behavioral Neuroscience Authors Names

Behavioral Neuroscience Authors Names


  • needs to be between 800-1,000 words- no more and no less.
  • You must also use 12-point Times New Roman font.
  • Your work will automatically be submitted to Turnitin upon submission, to determine how another author’s work was used in the assignment. Make sure you take notes while reading the selected article in your own words. Do not copy and paste directly from the selected article because matches to other authors’ works of 30% or more will result in an automatic zero (0) for the assignment.
  • At the top of your work, you must include your name, the name of the article you selected, the name of the journal that the article was taken from, name of the authors of the article, and your total word count. An example is below:
    • Student name
    • Name of article
    • Name of journal that the article was in:  Behavioral Neuroscience
    • Authors names
    • Word count
  • Your work should not include any direct quotations from the article you selected. Put everything in your own words and do not summarize the abstract section of the article.
  • You should summarize a recent research journal article from one of the American Psychological Association (APA) journals listed in the table below.    

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