Denniswright | Operations Management homework help

Identify a current organization that is not, in your opinion, a Learning Organization. Your are to develop a presentation and supporting paper that will describe how, through a Systems View, the organization could have, or should be, run. Points to cover will include, but are not limited to:
-How should Systems Thinking have been, or should be, applied to make the organization salvageable.
-All Archetype relationships
-System Discipline correlations
-All organizational Learning Disabilities associated
-How do the Laws of the fifth Discipline apply to this organization?
-How should/could management have changed the business? (Personnel, resources, processes, culture, themselves (based on the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People?))
Select 2 sections from list noted above. Each section will include a one page essay, APA format.  Your essay corresponding to each section (70%)
-Your power point presentation materials (30%)

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