labyrinth project | Literature homework help

5 Pages for research paper.
Associated Course Learning Outcomes:
Students will write and communicate at a college level in various modes, media, and/or rhetorical contexts.
Students will demonstrate an ability to comprehend, analyze, & interpret texts in various modes, genres, media, and/or contexts.
Students will evaluate and synthesize information to support ideas and perspectives.
Students will analyze creative works from multiple international cultures in relation to the historical, sociocultural, aesthetic, or personal contexts in which those works emerge.
Assignment Overview:
You will demonstrate your ability to come up with an idea related to our subject (labyrinths and labyrinth narratives) and then support that idea by either writing a paper or creating an artefact that involves demonstrating your “ability to comprehend, analyze, and interpret texts in various modes, genres, media, and/or contexts.”
Your writting can be creative or more traditional (such as a paper), but in either case you will need to demonstrate your knowledge and your ability to apply that knowledge. For instance:
If you are a musician, you could compose or record a piece of music related to our readings/subject. The relationship could be tied to one or more of the narratives and/or sub themes, but it could also be structural. There are examples out there if you do a little research.
If you like to write creatively, you could retell a story, create a new story with various themes. You could write a poem. Again, your connection could be narrative and can play with symbols and themes, but you could also play with structure and algorithms in the manner of the OULIPO (workshop for potential literature).
If you are artistic you could create visual/sculptural artwork.
If you are a game developer or CS major, you can create a level in a game or something similar.
Engineering students can build or design something, keeping in mind what you’ve learned from our readings: think about paths, dead ends, entrances, exits, challenges, puzzles, etc. Make sure you connect your choices with our readings.
I won’t be grading you on artistic talent (although it will be appreciated). You will be evaluated on knowledge, ideas, application. If you are asking yourself: Is my writing/idea “rigorous” enough, ask yourself how it fits with the course objectives. And, of course, please feel free to run it by me and get my input.
I attach the reading.

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