Enterprise master person identification (empi) policy | HIM 301 Introduction to Health Informatics | Ashford University

 Prior to beginning work on this assignment read Chapter 28 of Health Informatics: an Interprofessional Approach, Chapter 17 from the eBook Registries for Evaluating Patient Outcomes: A User’s Guide (Links to an external site.), and the article Will the Real John Smith Please Stand Up? (Links to an external site.)
Prepare a one to two-page patient identity management policy. (Note: the assignment is patient digital records identity management and NOT how to identify a patient). Your policy should be one to two pages and include the following:

Policy title
Version No.:
Effective Date:
Date Ratified:
Ratified By:
Introduction (Rationale for the policy)
General Guidelines

Excluding resources used in this course, include a minimum of two references in APA format as outlined by the Ashford Writing Center. Refer to the Health Informatics Journals (Links to an external site.) resource for additional resources available in the Ashford University library.
In your paper,

Prepare a patient identity management policy using principles of Enterprise Person Identification (EMPI) that appropriately outlines methods to identify like records in informatics technology applications
Address the required elements of the policy in your paper including: policy title, version number, effective date, ratified date, ratified by, introduction/rationale, definition, policy, and general guidelines.
Explain how the organization achieves the appropriate identification of patient records given the complexities of persons with similar demographic information

Enterprise Master Person Identification (EMPI) Policy paper

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